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<br />CHAPTER 12 <br />MISCELLANEOUS AND TRANSITORY PROVISIONS <br /> <br />Section 12.1 Official Publication. The council shall annually designate a legal newspaper of <br />general circulation in the city as its official newspaper in which shall be published ordinances <br />and other matters required by state statutes and this charter to be so published, as well as such <br />other matters as the council may deem it in the public interest to have published in this manner. <br /> <br />Section 12.2 Oath of Office. Every officer of the city shall, before entering upon the duties of <br />his/her office, take and subscribe an oath of office in substantially the following form: "I do <br />solemnly swear (or affix:) to support the constitution of the United States and of this state and to <br />discharge faithfully the duties devolving upon me as (mayor, councilmember, city administrator, <br />etc.) of the City of Ramsey to the best of my judgment and ability". <br /> <br />Section 12.3 City Officers Not to be Interested in Contracts. Except as otherwise permitted <br />by state statutes, no officer of the city, who is authorized to take part in any manner in any <br />contract with the city, shall voluntarily have a personal financial interest in such contract or <br />personally benefit financially therefrom. <br /> <br />Section 12.4 Official Bonds. The city administrator and other such officers or employees of <br />the city as may be provided for by ordinance shall each, before entering upon the duties of <br />his/her respective office or employment, give a corporate surety bond to the city in such form <br />and such amount as may be fixed by the council as security for the faithful performance of <br />his/her official duties. This corporate surety bond may be in the form of either individual or <br />blanket bonds at the discretion of the council. They shall be approved by the council, and <br />approved as to form by the city attorney, and filed with the city administrator. The premiums on <br />the bonds shall be paid by the city. <br /> <br />Section 12.5 Sales of Real Property. No real property of the city, with the exception of <br />cemetery plots, shall be disposed of except by ordinance. The proceeds of any sale of such <br />propeliy shall be used as far as possible to retire any outstanding indebtedness incurred by the <br />city in the purchase, constmction, or improvement of this or other property used for the same <br />public purpose. If there is no such outstanding indebtedness, the council may by resolution <br />designate some other public use for the proceeds. <br /> <br />Section 12.6 Vacation of Streets. The council may by ordinance vacate any street or alley or <br />other public grounds or part thereof within the city. Such vacation may be made only after <br />published notice in the official newspaper and an opportunity for affected propeliy owner and <br />public to be heard, and upon such further terms and by such procedure as the council by <br />ordinance may prescribe. A notice of completion of such procedure shall be filed in accordance <br />with state statutes. <br /> <br />Section 12.7 Statutes Not Affected by Charter. All general laws and statutes of the state <br />applicable to all cities operating under home mle charters, or applicable to cities of the same <br />class as the City of Ramsey operating under home mle charters, and not inconsistent with the <br />provisions of this charter, or the ordinances of this city, shall apply to the City of Ramsey, and <br />shall be constmed as supplementary to the provision of this charter. <br /> <br />24 <br />