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Councilmember Elvig introduced the following resolution and moved for its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION #10-08-170 <br />RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION #10-O1-18 AUTHORIZING SIGNATURES <br />FOR FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS <br />WHEREAS, in order to conduct the business affairs of the City, the Council authorizes <br />two of its members, the City Administrator and certain members of staff to sign financial <br />documents on behalf of the City; and <br />WHEREAS, except for transfers within the City's accounts, this authorization provides <br />for financial control by requiring two signatures on all such financial documents; and <br />WHEREAS, the Council hereby authorizes Kurt Ulrich, City Administrator, or Diana J. <br />Lund, Finance Officer, or Denelle McAlpine, Senior Accountant, to sign checks and other <br />withdrawal documents from the City's checking and money market accounts; and <br />WHEREAS, for the purpose of confirming the authenticity of the documents already <br />signed by one of the individuals named above, and consistent with the City's past financial <br />practice which two signatures are required on all such documents, the Council designates Robert <br />P. Ramsey, Mayor, or Matt Look, Acting Mayor as counter-signatures for all such financial <br />documents; and <br />WHEREAS, fund transfers (this also includes electronic fund transfers for payroll, sales <br />tax, and all other taxes that are required to be deposited electronically) between the City's <br />checking and money market accounts are generally verbal instructions and Kurt Ulrich, City <br />Administrator, or Diana J. Lund, Finance Officer, or Denelle McAlpine, Senior Accountant, are <br />authorized to make such transactions. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />RAMSEY, ANOKA COUNTY, STATE OF MINNESOTA, as follows: <br />1) That the Ramsey City Council hereby approves the City's authorized signatures for <br />financial transactions as Kurt Ulrich, City Administrator; Diana J. Lund, Finance Officer; <br />and Denelle McAlpine, Senior Accounant and further designates Robert P. Ramsey, <br />Mayor, and Matt Look, Acting Mayor, as the required counter-signatures. <br />2) That the Ramsey City Council hereby authorizes Kurt Ulrich, City Administrator; Diana <br />J. Lund, Finance Officer; and Denelle McAlpine, Senior Accountant, to make fund <br />transfers between the City's checking and money market accounts. <br />