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Mayor Ramsey introduced the following resolution and moved for its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION #10 -09 -220 <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF AN INTERIM USE PERMIT <br />BASED ON FINDINGS OF FACT #0876 AND DECLARING TERMS OF PERMIT TO <br />EXCEED SIGN RESTRICTIONS AS ESTABLISHED IN CITY CODE. <br />WHEREAS, the City of Ramsey HRA properly applied for an interim use permit to <br />exceed sign restrictions as established in City Code on the property generally known as 7157 <br />Highway 10 NW and legally described as follows: <br />That part of west 511.5 feet of Southwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter of Section 27, <br />Township 32, Range 25 Anoka County, Minnesota described as follows: Beginning at <br />intersection of west line of said Quarter Quarter with southerly right of way line of <br />Burlington Northern Rail Road, thence south along said west line to its intersection <br />with northerly right of way line of Trunk Highway No 10, thence southeasterly along <br />said northerly right of way line 299.65 feet, thence north to a point on said southerly <br />right of way line 297.57 feet southeasterly from the west line of said Quarter Quarter <br />(as measured along said southerly right of way line), thence northwesterly along said <br />southerly right of way line 297.57 feet to the point of beginning subject to easement of <br />record. <br />( "Subject Property ") <br />WHEREAS,. the Planning Commission met on September 16, 2010, conducted a public <br />hearing, and recommended that City Council approve the request. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THIS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />RAMSEY, ANOKA COUNTY, STATE OF MINNESOTA, as follows: <br />1. Based on Findings of Fact #0876, an interim use permit ( "Permit ") to deviate from sign <br />location restrictions is hereby granted to the City of Ramsey HRA ( "Permittee "). <br />2. The Permittee is herein granted permission to install off - premises signage on the existing <br />ground sign framework on the Subject Property. <br />3. The gross surface area of the ground sign shall not exceed 100 square feet per face (200 <br />aggregate square feet) and the height of the sign shall not exceed twenty -five (25) feet above <br />grade (to top of sign). <br />4. The installation of the sign on the Subject Property shall require a sign permit from the City <br />of Ramsey (the "City "). The exact location, height, and configuration of the sign are subject <br />to the approval of the City. <br />