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Councilmember Look introduced the following resolution and moved for its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION #10 -12 -260 <br />RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2011 CITY OF RAMSEY GENERAL FUND <br />OPERATING BUDGET <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />RAMSEY, COUNTY OF ANOKA, STATE OF MINNESOTA, as follows: <br />1) That the annual budget of the City of Ramsey for the fiscal year beginning January 1, <br />2011 is hereby adopted for the General Fund as follows: <br />GENERAL FUND <br />Revenues: <br />Property Taxes $ 7,037,127 <br />Licenses and Permits 438,732 <br />Intergovernmental Revenues 305,300 <br />Charges for Services 823,875 <br />Fines and Forfeitures 112,500 <br />Other Revenues - <br />Interest Earnings 100,000 <br />Miscellaneous 19,000 <br />Other Financing Sources 612,866 <br />Total Revenues U449,400 <br />Operating and Capital Expenditures: <br />General Government $ 2,329,675 <br />Public Safety 4,130,940 <br />Public Works 1,799,462 <br />Parks and Recreation 894,491 <br />Contingency 33,898 <br />Other Financing Uses 260,934 <br />Total Operating and Capital Expenditures $9.449 400 <br />2) That the City Administrator /Clerk be directed to transmit a certified copy of this <br />resolution to the Anoka County Auditor's office on or before Tuesday, December 28, <br />2010. <br />3) That all contractual agreements contained within the 2011 General Fund Budget will be <br />considered ratified. <br />4) <br />That the motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by <br />Councilmember Dehen and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor: <br />Mayor Ramsey <br />Councilmember Look <br />