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dead end into a swamp; he wants to see a trail loop alignment at the south end of the lake. <br /> <br />Mr. Peck stated that a trail loop around the south of the lake that includes use by horses is <br />not appropriate; what is appropriate to Northfork is pedestrian type uses along thc east side <br />of the lake and a continuous horse trail through the 24 acre park around the south end of the <br />lake and exiting to the new raikoad crossing at 153rd. <br /> <br />Mr. Peck continued that if the main purpose in a horse trail is to connect major areas, then a <br />trail west of the lake is sufficient and the trail at the north end of the plat can bee adjusted so <br />as not to end up in a swamp. Mr. Peck noted that there would also be a park dedication <br />cash payment of $50,000 and development of 150 acres into a golf course. <br /> <br />Commissioner Hendriksen stated that people do not enjoy tiding out and back on the same <br />trail; a loop in Nonhfork is essential. <br /> <br />David Ballard - 9370 164th Lane - Stated he is present representing the homeowners of <br />Northfork and they do not want a horse trail loop in the upper portion of the plat; that a trail <br />through the east and south portion of the plat for use by horses and a trail for pedestrian use <br />in the interior of the plat is more than adequate. The homeowners are opposed to a trail <br />loop in the southwest portion of the plat that would affect the golf course. <br /> <br />Mr. Peck stated that the golf course developers indicate that a horse trail and golf course are <br />not compatible but a trail loop around the sourthemmost part of the plat is not impossible. <br /> <br />Councilmember Pearson stated that he believes that the terms in the Park Dedication <br />Agreement for multi-use trails for horses and pedestrians and the separate development of a <br />golf course is adequate. <br /> <br />Mr. Fults stated that he feels the trail system as proposed in the Park Dedication A~eement <br />is sufficient and that consideration should be given to the fact that North Fork will also be <br />providing another much needed golf course in the area. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wagner stated that he agrees that the Park Dedication Agreement entered <br />into with the 2nd Addition is sufficient. <br /> <br />Councilmember DeLuca stated that he feels the Park Dedication Agreement entered into is <br />acceptable but the provision of a trail loop would be even more acceptable. <br /> <br />Commissioner Shumway noted that the park in Northfork would be signed for no loading <br />or unloading of horses; horses will be loaded and unloaded at Traprock Commos. <br /> <br />Commissioner Hendriksen noted that there are hundreds of places to go ride horses; the <br />horse trail in Ramsey would be used by area residents for occasional riding only. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fults disagreed with the idea of asking the developers to rework an <br />a~eement that City Council approved based on what they feel is in the best interest of the <br />City and the best use of the land <br /> <br />City Council/Planning & Zoning/Park & ReCreation/Economic Development <br /> Page 3 of 4/March 2, 1989 <br /> <br /> <br />