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CHAPTER 3 <br /> <br />COUNCIL PROCEDURES <br /> <br /> Section 3.01.~ Council Meetings. The council shall meet regularly at least <br /> <br />once each month at, such times and places as the council may designate by <br />ordinance. The ma~orior any two members of the council may call special meet- <br />ings of the counclil Upon at least twenty-four hours notice to each member, and <br /> <br />such reasonable p~blie notices as may be prescribed by council rule in compliance <br /> r <br /> <br />with state statU~es.~The twenty-four hours notice shall not be required in an <br />emergency. A state of emergency shall be deemed to exist when the public peace, <br />health, morals~ Safe~y or welfare are in immediate jeopardy. To the extent provided <br /> <br />by state statuteS, all meetings of the council and its committees shall be public, <br />and any citizen shall have access to the minutes and records of the council at <br /> <br />all reasonable times'. During any of its public meetings, the council shall not <br />prohibit, but ~na~. place reasonable restrictions upon citizens' comments and <br />questions and e:l. tize~n input, shall be provided for at the beginning of each council <br /> <br />meeting. <br /> <br /> Section 3.02~ Liason Function. Councilmembers shall be assigned as liason to <br />necessary areas Both internal and external to the city. These assignments shall <br />be rotated periodically and shall involve no administrative responsibility. <br /> <br />3.02',01. Precinct Liaison. Following the adoption of this charter, a <br /> <br />system of yearly~ rotating precinct liaisons shall be established such that three <br />of the four cou~cil~embers will each act as liaison for one of the three precincts <br />for a period of i°ne'year. At no time shall the same councilmember act as liaison <br />for the same precinot during his/her full four year term, nor shall any council- <br />member act as l~ais°n to the city at large for a period longer than one year during <br /> <br />his/her fui1 four year term. <br /> Pg.3-1/7 <br /> <br /> <br />