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CHAPTER 11 <br /> i_ PUBLIC OWNERSHIP AND OPERATION OF UTILITIES <br /> <br />Section 11~.1. i!Acquisition and Operation of Utilities. The city may own and operate any gas, <br />water, heati p~Wer, light, telephone or other public utility for supplying its own needs for utility <br />service, orI fo'isupplying utility service to private consumers or both. It may construct all <br />facilities r~tsc trebly needed for that purpose, and may acquire any existing utility properties so <br />needed; b~l s tch action shall only be taken by ordinance, which shall not be an emergency <br />ordinance.: iTt e~ operation of all public utilities owned by the city shall be under the supervision <br />of the :city ~Ou ~6il. <br /> <br />Section 1:1{2. Rates and Finances. The council may, by ordinance, fix rates, fares and prices <br />for mun.ici~al ltilities, but such rates, fares and prices shall be just and reasonable. The council <br />shall make ~ea( [~i municipal utility financially self-sustaining. Before any rates, fares or prices for <br />municipal ~itil ties shall be fixed by the 'council, the council shall hold a public hearing on the <br />matter in aqCo ~ance with Section 11.6 of this chapter. The council shall Prescribe the time and <br />the rnarmer!~iniWhich payments for all such utility services shall be made, and may make such <br />other regulatiogs as may be necessary, and prescribe penalties for violations of such regulations. <br /> <br />Section 11.~. ~nrchase in Bulk. The council may, in lieu of providing for the local production <br />of gas, ele¢Iri4ity, water and other utilities, purchase the same in bulk and resell them to local <br />consumers .tat ~,uch rates as it may fix. Before such rates are fixed by the council, the council <br />shall hold~ aiPu~iic: hearing on the matter in hccordance with Section 11.6 of this chapter. <br />Section 11,~ tLease of Plant. The council may, if the public interest will be served thereby, <br />contract wi~hjr~mY responsible' person, co-partnership or corporation for the operation of any <br />utility oWned ~y the city upon such rentals and conditions as it may deem necessary; but such <br />contract sha~il ~0t be an emergency ordinance. In no case shall such contract be for a longer term <br />than ten ye~[rs, <br /> <br />Section 11.~, !Public Utility. How Sold. No public utility owned by the city shall be sold or <br />otherwise d~sp¢sed of by the city unless the full terms of the proposition of said sale or other <br />d~spos~tmn ith~eof, together with the price to be paid therefore, shall be embodied in an <br />ordinance aDp(lOved by a majority of the registered voters voting thereon at a general or special <br />election such ordinance is submitted to a vote, the council shall hold a public hearing on <br />the matter ir~ a&brdance with Section 11.6 of this chapter. <br /> <br />Section 11.6. ~l°tiee of PublicHearing. Notice of public hearing required by this chapter shall <br />be published, least once in the official newspaper and in the city newsletter at least ten days <br />prior to tl~e italy:of the hearing. Failure to publish said notice or any defect in said notice shall <br />not invalida}e he notice. However, the correction(s) must be published at the earliest practical <br />time. <br /> <br />21 <br /> <br /> <br />