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<br />7.5.2 The Public Service Program. <br />The program shall be a continuing five-year plan <br />for all public services, estimating future needs for the public health, safety and welfare of <br />the city. It shall measure the objectives and needs for each city department, the standard <br />of services desired, and the impact of each such service on the annual operating budget. <br /> <br />7.5.3 The Capital Improvement Program. <br />This program shall consist of projects and <br />facilities that are or will be needed by the city in carrying out the anticipated program of <br />public services. It shall include a list of all capital improvements proposed to be <br />undertaken during the next five fiscal years, with appropriate supporting information as <br />to the necessity for such improvements; the priority of each anticipated improvement; <br />cost estimate, method of financing and recommended time schedule for each such <br />improvement; and the estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining the facilities to <br />be constructed or acquired. This information shall be revised and extended each year for <br />capital improvements still pending or in process. <br /> <br />7.5.4 Five Year Financial Forecast. <br />This forecast shall detail the estimated revenue <br />and expenditures necessary to carry out the Public Service and Capital Improvement <br />Programs as described in Sections 7.5.2 and 7.5.3. In addition, the forecast will identify <br />financing sources and uses, cash flow projections, and financial policies that impact and <br />exercise control over revenues and expenditures. <br /> <br />7.5.5 <br /> A summary of the long-term financial plan shall be published in the city <br />newsletter annually. <br /> <br />Section 7.6 Council Action on Budget. <br /> <br /> <br />7.6.1 <br /> The budget public hearing dates, procedures to be followed during the hearing, <br />and publications, are established by state statute. However, the actual adoption of the <br />proposed annual budget and the municipal levy shall take place at the next regularly, <br />scheduled council meeting following the mandated public hearing(s) to ensure that <br />comments received during the public hearing(s) are given due consideration before the <br />final budget and municipal tax levy are adopted. The council may revise the proposed <br />budget but no amendment to the budget shall increase the authorized expenditures to an <br />amount greater than the estimated funds available. The council shall adopt the budget by <br />a resolution that shall set forth the total for each budgeted fund and each department <br />function or program, with such segregation as to objects and purpose of expenditures as <br />the council deems necessary for purposes of budget control. The council shall also adopt <br />a resolution levying the amount of taxes provided in the budget, and the city <br />administrator shall certify the tax resolution to the county auditor in accordance with state <br />law. Adoption of the budget resolution shall constitute appropriations at the beginning of <br />the fiscal year of the sums fixed in the resolution of the several purposes named. <br /> <br />7.6.2 <br /> At least two weeks before the proposed budget is adopted, for the ensuing fiscal <br />year, a summary of the proposed budget and municipal levy increases and decreases shall <br />be given in the city newsletter. Such summary shall be set forth in language designed to <br />be readily understood by the layperson, and shall provide appropriate supporting <br />information as to the necessity for any increases. Failure to provide the specified <br /> 16 <br /> <br />