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Formatting/and <br />By Stuart M?ck, ,:AIfP, and i~/lar'/a Morris, AICP <br /> <br />Writingthe <br /> <br />Staff Report <br /> <br />Writing staff reports on proposed deveiopments and permit applications is a core skil~ of <br />planning practice. <br /> <br />These are the reports a professional planner <br />prepares that digest a particular development <br />proposal or permit request; assess site condi- <br />tions; relate Lhe proposal To :he comprehen- <br />sive plan, subplans, and functional plans; <br />and make a recommendation, all against <br />backdrop of '.ocal government policies and <br />deveiooment code criteria. A good reoort con- <br />cisely communicates vitai information on <br />development proposals .'_o metal)ers o'f <br />pianning commission, the iocal iegJsiative ' <br />body, the board of zoning appeals, the pub- <br />!ic, and the persons appiying for any .n/pa of <br />development permission. Considering how <br />much time planners spend on them, their <br />preparation is a topic about which ,.here is <br />surprisingiy Httle written, <br /> <br /> This issue o[ Zoning Practice attempts <br /> fill that void by concentrating on (he organiza- <br /> tion of a good report. A well-organized staff <br /> report can help shorten the reviewing author- <br /> ibt's meeting and guide ~he outcome of the <br /> decision, if followed, it can also provide r. he <br /> necessan/documentation and ptanning <br /> rationale should the decision be chai[enged <br /> in court: in addition, the Internal has facili- <br /> tated technological efficiencies in the distri- <br /> button and presentation of such information, <br /> which this article also discusses. <br /> The ideai report provides an adequate <br /> amount of information for the board, commis- <br /> sion, or other bodvto make a decision: [or the <br /> pubiic to be considered adequately informed; <br /> and For the applicant to determine what addi- <br /> tional ini:ormation ii needs ~.o submit or what <br /> changes it needs to make Lo ~he proOosal in <br /> order to ,,via approval. The best staff reports pro- <br /> vide information in the most concise manner <br /> possible wniie meeting all associa[eo require- <br /> merits For review, disciosure, and notification. <br /> .As with a business memoranoum, [he oniective <br /> ;s :o make :',ear what action d~e in, tended audi- <br /> :nc,~ fluSt !alta :,no ri Nflal. Lillte iralFl~. <br /> <br /> A Local planning department's standard <br />practice for preparing staff reports is deveioped <br />over time by those who prepare reports and <br />~_hose who use them, nameiy professional plan- <br />ners and planning commissioners. Legal require- <br />ments, personal preferences, institutional mom- <br />on/, and changing technologies ail piny a role. <br /> <br /> Several problems common to many staff <br />reports include: <br /> <br />· poor organization and format <br /> <br />· mixing ~acts with subjective information <br />· excessive detail or inadequate detail <br />· unclear language. <br /> <br /> ' ,~++EEEMEN~$ OF STAFF REP(3 <br /> Coverst~eet. · ".'~ ~:~ ".q. :::~:~ ~.~",'-' :? -: :-~.' - '." ' <br />~ Proiecu d'escrimio hi, FadudFn~; ifhe~e~s~R}, a-I[Aal:d~scdmi°'n'(req ui~e - . ~., ~L <br /> <br />%. Faduai;in fo~adb~ about/th e ~aad{~ur[du~ ding <br /> . me currenuzoni'u~ distress o¢'the:oropefties <br /> .~ description., off,he sit~ ba~ed~6 ma~'~ite '~isi~'an ~su~e~ ~ <br /> <br /> · recent tano.useactio~kindudi~g ~ezonfn~s~condifional~uses,' <br /> affecdn~the-are~c ' <br /> ~ exisdn~-an~ ~ro~osed:pu~li~ ~eilitie~se~ n~t~e ~ite; ineludin~;s <br /> an~ ~ewedines. andcta~sifi~a~ibn, ano cc ~dition oi roads- <br /> ~ identi~cation o~other se~ices~ <br /> <br /> ~ floodplain or wetlands.~nformatioo, i~ retevan~ <br /> ~. Staf~natysi~,.~nclbd[nff~ , . ' ' '-, <br /> ~ ur'~sentat[o¢ ~¢ d~isfon-maRing,criteria'.from. F ,ans or deve~o~men~ <br /> comment-on how. the-pmle~mee[s or does not mae[ driteriAt~oFrezonl <br /> ances,.conditionai' uses)-: <br /> .. sueei~li~ed:impacranatvses~ i[mecessaw- <br /> <br /> . evalbation,oPconsfstency,o¢'prou~sed action with all applicab[e'¢[An~;.'ol <br /> nantes, and_regulations; ~is. section-wome nc ude statements.oPEom <br /> siva plan moo designations, Nrltte~ ~olicies, and excerpzs~of"relevant-segtibns~°~ <br /> ordinances and regina[Ion <br /> <br /> S. Oescn~tlon of. information yet [o be su omi[ted <br /> <br /> 8. Comments From o[her'2gencies <br /> <br /> 7. S[a~ recommendations, inc ud n~.cendidons, as'appropriate <br /> 8, Maps d splaying SuDlec['~¢oper~t <br /> m ¢ho~ogra~hs of the ¢roDe~, 3s aooroprlate <br /> <br /> ~o, nformatlon submitted by applicant ~as at[acnmentsl <br /> <br /> ~, Nnttencomments]romcmzens asattacnmemsi <br /> <br /> ZONINGPRACTICF- ti.04 <br /> <br />102 <br /> <br /> <br />