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ORDINANCE NO. 04 - <br /> <br /> CITY OF tL~kMSEY <br />ANOKA COUNTY, MIblTqESOTA <br /> <br />AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 2 OF THE R,~'viSEY CITY CODE, WHICH CHAPTER IS <br />KNOWN AS THE "COUNCIL, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS" CHAPTER OF THE CITY <br />CODE. <br /> <br />AN ORD['NANCE AMENDFNG sEcTION 2.03 OF THE CITY CODE, WHICH SECTION IS <br />ENTITLED "BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS." <br /> <br />The City of Ramsey Ordains: <br /> <br />SECTION 1. AMENDMENT ' <br /> <br />Subsection 2.03.01 "Esmb[ishmer~t", Subd. 1 "Boards and Commissions'', of Chapter 2 of the <br />City Code is amended to include the following: <br /> <br />Environmental Quality. Board <br /> <br />Subsection 2.03.06 "Duties, Responsibilities, Objectives" is hereby amended to include the <br />following text: <br /> <br />Subd. 8 Environmental Quality Board. The primary objective of the Ramsey <br />Environmental Quality Board shall be to review, consider, initiate and recommend to the City <br />Council such policies, plans or projects which will enhance and preserve .the natural environment <br />of' the City. The Committee's scope shall include, but not necessarily be limited to matters of the <br />preservation of the community forest, water quality., wetland preservation, ground water <br />protection, ecological preservation, control of soil erosion and air, noise and light pollution. The <br />Commit-tee shall also review, upon request, environmental documents referred to from time to <br />time by the Planning Commission or City Council. The Board shall: <br /> <br />Become familiar with State statutes, Federal regulations, agency rules, and City <br />ordinances on the subject, of an environmental nature. <br />Receive information regarding the role of the Watershed Management <br />Organization,' municipalities, Department of Natural Resources, and Army Corps <br />of Engineers and other regulatory agencies on enviro~m~enral issues. Review <br />related data. <br />Review envirom'nentally related City policies and ordinances and recommend <br />appropriate rev'isions and/or additions to the City Council. <br />Promote public outreach for education regarding enviromnental issues facing the <br />Git,/. <br />Deveic',p an annual work plan that is subject ro the approval o?.the C2y Councii. <br /> <br /><r_ .. 2. <br />.. t_CTt(')N $ I.;MM.-kR Y <br /> <br />77 <br /> <br /> <br />