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Report of Geotechnical Exploration <br />West Armstrong Redevelopment Area, Ramsey, Minnesota <br />March 30, 2022 <br />AET Report No. P-0004952 <br />AMERIAN <br />ENGINEERING TESTING <br />minimum compaction level of 95% of the standard maximum dry unit weight can be used below <br />the critical subgrade zone. <br />6.4 Design R-Value <br />Based on the subgrade preparation recommendations presented herein, the pavement section <br />(bituminous and aggregate base layers) can be designed based on an R-value of 50. <br />6.5 Utilities <br />Based on the conditions encountered at the boring locations, we judge the inorganic soils to be <br />suitable to provide adequate support for utility construction. If silty soils are present at the trench <br />bottom, a 4-inch thick Granular Bedding (MnDOT Specification 3149.F) layer should be placed <br />beneath the pipe to improve support uniformity. We also recommend the removal of any <br />cobbles/boulders in the trench bottoms prior to utility installation. This will reduce the potential <br />for the development of point loads on the pipe that would not be accounted for in the pipe design. <br />Please refer to the attached standard sheet entitled "Utility Excavation Backfilling" and <br />"Bedding/Foundation Support of Buried Pipe" for additional details regarding utility bedding and <br />utility backfilling. <br />6.5.1 Trench Backfill <br />The excavated non -organic soils can be used as backfill for the new utility trenches. Excavated <br />organic soils should not be used as backfill below the roadway. Review of our borings indicates <br />that the trench backfill will primarily consist of sands with silt and sands. These types of soils <br />are generally not considered corrosive. We recommend that bedding be placed uniformly <br />around the pipe to avoid having dissimilar materials touch the pipe that could set up corrosion <br />cells. In our opinion, all metallic utilities should be coated or wrapped. <br />Utility trench backfill should be placed per the requirements of MnDOT Specification 2106.3G.1 <br />(Specified Density Method). The backfill soils should be placed in a maximum lift thickness of 1 <br />foot or less for the granular soils and 8 inches or less for the cohesive soils. This specification <br />requires all backfill soils placed within an excavation trench be compacted to a minimum of 100% <br />of the standard maximum dry unit weight defined in ASTM: D698 (Standard Proctor test). <br />Consideration can be given to modifying the project specifications to allow for a reduced <br />minimum compaction level of 95% of the standard maximum dry unit weight to be used below <br />the critical subgrade zone. Backfill soils placed in the upper 3 feet of the subgrade should be <br />compacted at a water content between 65% to 102% of the standard optimum water content. <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />
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