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Report of Geotechnical Exploration <br />West Armstrong Redevelopment Area, Ramsey, Minnesota <br />March 30, 2022 <br />AET Report No. P-0004952 <br />AMERIAN <br />ENGINEERING TESTING <br />we were unable to determine the geologic origin from the recovered samples. We could not <br />determine the geological origin based on the recovered samples. The fill and possible fill soils <br />were frozen at the time of exploration. The fill is moderately slow draining and is judged to have <br />moderate frost susceptibility. <br />5.2.2 Topsoil <br />Topsoil was encountered at the surface of Boring SB-1. The topsoil extended to a depth of about <br />1 foot beneath existing grade. The topsoil consists primarily of silty sand. These soils were <br />mostly frozen to a depth of 1 foot. These soils are slow draining and highly susceptible to freeze - <br />thaw movements. Due to the presence of vegetation, we judge these soils to be moderately <br />compressible under structural loads. <br />5.2.3 Coarse Alluvium <br />Coarse alluvial sands exist beneath the topsoil, fill, or possible fill at all of the soil borings to the <br />termination depths of the borings. The coarse alluvial soils consist of sands with silt and sands <br />containing variable amounts of gravel, and could include cobbles and/or boulders. These alluvial <br />soils range from very loose to medium dense and are judged to have moderate to moderately <br />high strength and moderate to low compressibility under the anticipated structural loads. The <br />sands and sands with silt are fast draining and are judged to have low susceptibility to freeze - <br />thaw movements. <br />5.3 Groundwater <br />We encountered groundwater while drilling at Boring SB-1 at a depth of 10 feet which equated <br />to an approximate elevation of 859.3 feet. As the borings terminated in free draining sands, we <br />judge the measured water level to be reflective of the hydrostatic groundwater level conditions <br />at that point in time. <br />Groundwater was not measured in Borings SB-2 and SB-3. Due to the borings terminating in <br />free draining sands with silt and sands at depths/elevations near where the groundwater level <br />was measured at Boring SB-1, we judge the water level to be below the depth explored at these <br />boreholes at the time of exploration. <br />Groundwater levels fluctuate due to varying seasonal and annual rainfall and snow melt <br />amounts, as well as other factors. The Minneapolis metro area has been in a low precipitation <br />pattern for the last 2 years and the presently observed ground water levels may be lower than <br />normal. <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />
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