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Ramsey, Minnesota, Code of Ordinances <br />PART I CHARTER <br />PART I <br />CHARTER1 <br />CHAPTER 1. NAME, BOUNDARIES, POWERS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS <br />Sec. 1.1. Name and boundaries. <br />The City of Ramsey, Anoka County, Minnesota, shall continue to be a municipal corporation under that name <br />and with the same boundaries as now are or hereafter may be established. The city clerk shall keep in his/her <br />office at least two copies of this Charter with amendments, and shall maintain in each copy an accurate and up-to- <br />date description of the boundaries. The copies of the Charter, amendments and boundary descriptions shall be <br />available for public inspection anytime during regular office hours. <br />(Ord. of 1-24-2001) <br />Sec. 1.2. Powers of the city. <br />The city shall have all powers which it may now or hereafter be possible for a municipal corporation in this <br />state to exercise in harmony with this Charter and with the constitutions of this state and of the United States and <br />with the statutes of this state. It is the intention of this Charter to confer upon the city every power which it would <br />have if it were specifically mentioned, unless otherwise provided in this Charter. The Charter shall be construed <br />liberally in favor of the city, and the specific mention of particular municipal powers in other sections of this <br />Charter does not limit the powers of the city to those thus mentioned. Unless granted to some other officer or <br />body, all powers are vested in the council. <br />Sec. 1.3. Charter a public act. <br />This Charter shall be a public act and need not be pleaded or proved in any case. <br />CHAPTER 2. FORM OF GOVERNMENT <br />'Editor's note(s)—Printed in this part is the city Charter, which Charter was originally adopted on May 22, 1984. <br />Amendments are indicated by parenthetical history notes following amended provisions. The absence of a <br />history note indicates that the provision remains unchanged from the original. Obvious misspellings have <br />been corrected without notation. For stylistic purposes, headings and catchlines have been made uniform <br />and the same scheme for expression of numbers in text as appears in the Code has been used. A consistent <br />scheme of capitalization has also been used. Additions for clarity are indicated by brackets. <br />State law reference(s)—City Charters generally, Minn. Stats. ch. 410. <br />Ramsey, Minnesota, Code of Ordinances <br />(Supp. No. 12, Update 1) <br />Created: 2023-04-26 15:53:32 [EST] <br />Page 1 of 25 <br />