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Ramsey City Charter Updated April 2023
City Charter
Ramsey City Charter Updated April 2023
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6/20/2023 1:08:47 PM
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View plain text Thereafter and commencing with the city wide election in 2006, there shall be biennial city wide <br />elections with councilmembers from ward numbers 1 and 3 and an at -large councilmember elected, <br />and at the next city wide election councilmembers from ward numbers 2 and 4, an at -large <br />councilmember and a mayor shall be elected. <br />(Ref. of 11-5-1996; Ref. of 11-6-2001) <br />Sec. 2.4. Incompatible offices. <br />No member of the council shall hold any paid municipal office or employment through the city other than <br />that to which elected. Further, until one year after the expiration of his/her term, no mayor or councilmember <br />shall be appointed or employed by the city in a compensated position which was created, or the compensation for <br />which was increased, during his/her term as mayor or councilmember. <br />No member of the council may serve as a member of the City of Ramsey Charter Commission while serving <br />on the council. No member of the Council may serve as a voting member of any other commission or board of the <br />City of Ramsey while he/she remains in office unless such membership is otherwise required by law. <br />( Ord. No. 22-29 , § 2, 1-24-2023, eff. 5-11-2023) <br />Sec. 2.5. Vacancies. <br />A vacancy in the council, whether it be in the office of mayor or councilmember, shall be deemed to exist in <br />the case of the failure of any person elected thereto to qualify, or by reason of the death, resignation in writing <br />filed with the city clerk, removal from office, non -residence in the city, conviction of a felony of any such person <br />after his/her election, or by reason of the failure of any councilmember without good cause to attend council <br />meetings for a period of three consecutive months. In each such case, the council shall publicly declare by <br />resolution, the vacancy to exist within 15 days of its occurrence and such vacancy shall be filled according to the <br />provisions of section 4.5. <br />(Ord. No. 09-18, § 2, 12-8-2009) <br />Sec. 2.6. The mayor's powers and duties. <br />2.6.1 The mayor shall preside at meetings of the council and shall have a vote as a member. The mayor shall be <br />recognized as the head of the city government for all ceremonial purposes, by the courts for serving civil <br />process, and by the governor for purposes of martial law, but shall have no administrative duties. <br />2.6.2 Consistent with the responsibility to accept considerable leadership over the general conduct of city affairs, <br />the mayor shall study the operations of the city government and recommend desirable changes and <br />improvements to the council. The mayor shall also deliver messages to the council and the public, including a <br />comprehensive message on the state of the city, as soon as practicable after the beginning of each year of <br />his/her term of office. <br />2.6.3 At the first meeting of each year the council shall choose an acting mayor from the councilmembers. He/she <br />shall perform the duties of mayor during the disability or absence of the mayor, or, in the case of vacancy in <br />the office of mayor, until a successor has been appointed and qualifies. <br />(Ord. of 12-6-2001) <br />(Supp. No. 12, Update 1) <br />Created: 2023-04-26 15:53:29 [EST] <br />Page 3 of 25 <br />
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