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completely built out, We have included a photo of a row of completed hornes from the <br />neighborhood for reference. <br />Development Timeline: <br />We would move as quickly as possible through the needed approvals and develop the property <br />as soon as all approvals are in place. It is likely that Phase 1 would not be able to develop until <br />2024. Then we would expect to develop Phase 2 and Phase 3 in 2025 and 2026, respectively. <br />PPhasinT. <br />Mult ple factors can affect the desired size and timing of the development and home building <br />phases. We are planning on building the neighborhood in 3 Phases. Included with this <br />narrative is a proposed development phasing plan. <br />Riaht of Re -Entry: <br />We understand the desire that the City would like to see this neighborhood built and built in a <br />timely manner. To help meet this desire, a Right of Re -Entry has been negotiated on previous <br />development opportunities with the City. In discussion with Staff, the idea of requiring 10 homes <br />per year for four years to be built in this new neighborhood to be included in a Right of Re -Entry. <br />In principle we are willing to agree to a Re=Entry Agreement and to the proposed building <br />timeline. We look forward to discussing the details. <br />As you know the Housing Market is going through some tremendous changes as Interest Rates <br />continue to increase. We expect our homes to be priced in the Mid to Upper $ 300,000 and <br />depending on the options that a Buyer might select some homes could sell for aver $ 400 000, <br />We encourage feedback and input as we put the finishing touches on this neighborhood plan. <br />Thank you, <br />[avid Pattberg <br />Vice President of Land <br />Centro Homes, LLC <br />CENTRA HOMES <br />