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The purpose of this report is to provide summary 2013 budget information concerning the <br />City of Ramsey to interested citizens. The budget is published in accordance with Minnesota <br />State Statute Section 471.6965. This is not the complete city budget, the complete budget may <br />be examined at the City of Ramsey Municipal Center, 7550 Sunwood Drive NW, Ramsey, MN <br />55303. The Ramsey City Council adopted this budget on December 11, 2012. <br />2013 Budget 2012 2013 <br />Budgeted General Funds Adopted Adopted i all of the requirements constituting qualifications <br />r Minnesota Statue 331A.02, 331A.07 and other <br />Revenues: <br />Taxes <br />Licenses and permits <br />Intergovernmental Revenues: <br />Federal <br />State General Purpose Aid <br />State Categorical Aid <br />County and Local <br />Charges for Services <br />Fines and Forfeits <br />Interest Earnings . <br />Miscellaneous Revenue <br />Total Revenue <br />Expenditures: <br />General Government <br />Public Safety <br />Public Works <br />Parks and Recreation <br />Capital Outlay <br />Debt Service <br />Miscellaneous. Expenditures <br />Total Expenditures <br />Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues <br />Over Expenditures <br />Other Financing Sources (Uses) <br />Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues <br />and Other Financing Sources <br />Over Expenditures and Other <br />Financing Uses <br />Property Tax Levy Requirement <br />to Fund the Budget <br />CITY OF RAMSEY <br />2013 SUMMARY BUDGET STATEMENT <br />Published in Anoka County Union <br />February 8, 2013. <br />AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION <br />$ 7,090,150 <br />436,320 <br />7,000 <br />0 <br />298,300 <br />0 <br />543,189 <br />108,000 <br />80,000 <br />30,500 <br />$ 8,593,459 <br />$2,255,952 <br />4,110,418 <br />1,813,874 <br />880,740 <br />340,252 <br />213,113 <br />33,726 <br />$ 9,648,075 <br />$ (1,054,616 $ (1,221,758) <br />$1,054,616 $ 1,221,758 <br />$ 8,413,798 <br />$ 7,233,829 <br />437,700:T (2013), which is attached was cut from the <br />and published once a week for one week; it was <br />7,000' February, 2013, and was therefore printed and <br />0 ry, the 8th day of February, 2013. <br />298,300 <br />0 <br />915,750 <br />89,000 <br />80,000 <br />10,500 <br />$ 9,072,079 <br />$2,189,181 <br />3,945,773 <br />2,614,681 aging Editor <br />844,066 <br />463,000 <br />180,823 <br />56,313 <br />$ 10,293,837 <br />$ 0 <br />$ 7,998,213 )RMATION <br />3291097 <br />SS <br />oath says that he is the managing editor of the <br />ion, and has full knowledge of the facts which are <br />e " TRACY A. PETRO <br />Notary Public- Minnesota <br />My Commission Expires Jan 31, 2017 <br />$ 10.00 <br />(3 line rate) <br />