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Mayor Ramsey introduced the following resolution and moved for its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION #10 -09 -221 <br />A RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT #0877 RELATING TO <br />A REQUEST FROM THE CITY OF RAMSEY HRA FOR AN INTERIM <br />USE PERMIT TO EXCEED SIGN RESTRICTIONS <br />WHEREAS, the City of Ramsey received an application from the City of Ramsey HRA, <br />hereinafter referred to as the "Applicant ", for an interim use permit to install off - premise signage on the <br />property generally known as 14550 Armstrong Blvd NW and legally described as follows: <br />Lot 3, Block 1 Hauser Addition, Anoka County, Minnesota <br />( "Subject Property ") <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THIS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />RAMSEY (the "City"), ANOKA COUNTY, STATE OF MINNESOTA, as follows: <br />1. That the Applicant properly applied for an interim use permit (the "Permit ") to install permanent, <br />off - premise signage on the Subject Property. <br />2. That the Applicant appeared before the Ramsey Planning Commission for a public hearing pursuant <br />to Section 117 -52 (Interim Use Permits) of the City Code on September 16, 2010 and that said <br />public hearing was properly advertised, and that the minutes of said public hearing are hereby <br />incorporated as a part of these findings by reference. <br />3. That the Subject Property is approximately 1.23 acres in size. <br />4. That the Subject Property is zoned TC -2 Town Center District. <br />5. That the Subject Property is currently vacant. <br />6. That the Subject Property has public road frontage along Armstrong Blvd NW. <br />7. That the parcels to the east, west and north of the Subject Property are also zoned TC -2 Town Center <br />District and the parcel to the south of the Subject Property (across TH 10) is zoned B -2 Business. <br />8. That parcels in the TC -2 Town Center District are limited to one (1) ground sign per parcel. <br />9. That the gross surface area of a ground sign is limited to 100 square feet per sign face (nor should it <br />exceed an aggregate gross surface area of 200 square feet). <br />10. That the maximum height permitted by City Code for a ground sign in the TC -2 Town Center <br />District is six (6) feet. <br />11. That the sign was installed prior to the property be rezoned to TC -2 Town Center District and is <br />considered to be a lawful non - conforming structure. <br />