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Councilmember Elvig introduced the following resolution and moved for its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION # 10 -11 -258 <br />RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR SAFETY AND MOBILITY <br />INTERCHANGE PROGRAM GRANT FUNDING FOR AN ARMSTRONG <br />BOULEVARD INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENT <br />WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has developed an <br />Interregional Corridor (IRC) System which identifies 2,930 miles of key transportation corridors <br />that account for 1/3 of the vehicle miles traveled in the State; and <br />WHEREAS, traffic volumes on this IRC are expected to double by the year 2030 and <br />without careful planning and protection of the function of these roadways, the ability to continue <br />to provide efficient movement of goods and people is threatened; and <br />WHEREAS, MnDOT prioritized the various corridors and selected seven for further <br />study, one of which is Trunk Highway 10 (TH10) from TH24 in Clear Lake to I -35 W, including <br />that portion that goes through the City of Ramsey and released a document known as the TH 10 <br />Corridor Management Plan, dated January, 2002; and <br />WHEREAS, on January 18, 2002, the City of Ramsey City Council adopted Resolution <br />#02 -01 -007 to a) endorse MnDOT's vision and corridor management plan for the TH10 corridor; <br />b) commit to working in partnership with MnDOT and other partners along the corridor to <br />implement the recommendations of the corridor management plan; and c) support the freeway <br />design option from Thurston Blvd. in Anoka to the western boundary of Ramsey; and <br />WHEREAS, this Corridor Management Plan indicates that the six -lane freeway that is <br />needed for this roadway will be required to be realigned so that it is adjacent to the BNSF rail <br />and includes an interchange at the intersection of Armstrong Boulevard; and, <br />WHEREAS, in June of 2003, the City of Ramsey City Council passed a resolution <br />ordering that an AUAR as regulated by Chapter 4410.3610 of Minnesota Rules be conducted in <br />relation to the Highway 10 corridor in the area between the existing alignment of TH10 and the <br />BNSF rail: and <br />WHEREAS, in April of 2004, the City of Ramsey City Council adopted an ordinance to <br />establish an Official Map of the corridor which affected over 54parcels to preserve the corridor; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, between 2004 and 2007, the City was successful in purchasing 12 of the 54 <br />properties along the corridor to preserve Right of Way for the future freeway vision; and <br />WHEREAS, in February of 2007the City of Ramsey along with MnDOT, Anoka <br />County and the Metropolitan Council completed and approved a TH10 Access Management Plan <br />which indicated an interchange at Armstrong Boulevard; and <br />