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ripcommunity/0 <br />2. Evaluating Ramsey's Retail Potential <br />The purpose of the evaluation phase is to understand what makes Ramsey <br />distinctive and valuable from a retailer's viewpoint and scrutiny. <br />Our evaluations capitalize on Buxton's knowledge about the retail marketplace <br />and the location requirements and expectations of retailers. Combining this <br />knowledge with our economic development competencies allow us to evaluat e <br />and recommend proven community practices. Our evaluations do not rely on <br />dated government research or national/state statistics, all of which fail to reflect <br />local realities. Rather, we implement our real -world experience gained from <br />working with municipalities that have opened more than 15 million square feet of <br />new or expanded retail space. We know how to help Ramsey sharpen your retail <br />marketing strategy, aggressively market the city and improve your competitive <br />performance. <br />Retail Leakage/Supply Analysis <br />The Retail Leakage/Supply Analysis provides an estimate of retail dollars flowing <br />in or out of the trade area. <br />The two main components of this analysis are: 1) current actual sales (supply) by <br />retail store type and products, in dollar amounts, an d 2) estimated sales potential <br />(demand) for retail store type and products, in dollar amounts. <br />We first calculate a sales gap index that illustrates your ability to capture your <br />residents' expenditures. An example of this index is shown in Figure 2. <br />The sales gap index provides a relative comparison of leakage/surplus and an <br />estimate of the dollars that are being spent outside the trade area (leakage) and <br />the amount of dollars coming in from outside the trade area (surplus). <br />This report can be run via SCOUT at any location within the map view. <br />Figure 2.Example - Sale Gap Index <br />Lavin and Garden Equipment and Soppy. Scores <br />Nursery and Garden Centers <br />Outdoor Power Equipment Scores <br />Building Material &Supply Dealers <br />Other Building Materials Dealers <br />Building Materials, Lumberyards <br />Hardware Stow <br />Paint and Wallpaper Stores <br />Horne Cerrters <br />1 <br />OE <br />C.0 0.5 10 1.5 2A 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 <br />Buxton <br />roemirying c nomerr <br />10 <br />