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nil Community/0 <br />Drive -Time Trade Area Definition <br />Customers today shop by convenience, measuring distance based on time, not <br />mileage. Community/Do will employ a custom drive -time analysis to determine <br />Ramsey's trade area. An example of a drive -time trade area is shown in <br />Figurel. <br />This custom analysis is developed using an in -house database supported by our <br />knowledge of individual retail client's actual trade areas. <br />The resulting drive -time trade area map will be a polygon that more accurately <br />depicts consumer shopping patterns than trade rings. <br />To assure the accuracy of the drive -time trade area, the draft maps are reviewed <br />with community leaders and verified before proceeding with the next step. <br />Figure 1 .Example - Drive -Time Trade Area <br />Buxton <br />DentifyIng Customers <br />9 <br />