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Section 5.05'.~Initiative. Any ordinance may be proposed by a petition which shall <br />state at the headi:of each page or attached thereto the exact text of the proposed <br />ordinance. 5f the council passes the proposed ordinance with ~endments, and a <br />majority of the sponsoring committee do not disapprove the a~ended form by a state- <br />ment filed with the ~lerk-administrator within ten days of its passage by the <br />councilt the ordinance need not be submitted to the voters. If the council fails <br />to enact the ordinance in a form acceptable to the ma3ority of the sponsoring <br />eomm±ttee within ~ix~y days after the final degermination of suffic±eney of the <br />pet±tion~ the o~na~ee as originally proposed shall be placed on the ballot at the <br />next election oee~reing in the city. 5f no election is to occur within ~20 days <br />after the fil±ng of ~he petit±on~ the council shall call a special election on the <br /> <br />ordinance to be ~eld'within such period. If a majority of those voting on the <br />ordinance vote ~n it~ favor, it shall become effective immediately after adoption <br />unless the ordinance~specifies a later effective date. <br /> <br /> Section 5.06~ Initiative to Amend the Charter. Nothing in this charter shall be <br />construed in anyiiway' as affecting the right of the electors to propose amendments <br /> <br />to this charter.~ <br /> <br />Section 5.07J ReTerendum. Prior to the date an ordinance takes effect, it <br /> <br />may be subjected i'to referendum by a petition which shall state at the head of <br /> <br />each page, or at~ached thereto, the exact text of the ordinance to be considered <br />by the voters. If t~e petition is found to be sufficient under the provisions <br />of section 5.03.r of !this chapter, the said ordinance shall thereby be prevented <br /> <br />from going into Ope~ation, and the subject matter of the petition shall be placed <br />on the ballot at the next election occuring in the city. If no election is to <br />occur within 120!i da.s after the filing of the petition, the council shall call <br /> <br />a special election $o be held within such period, providing the petition has Pg. 5-3/7 <br /> <br /> <br />