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Mr. Elvig offered one other thought on the guidelines. He stated he thinks what Assistant <br />Community Development Director Trudgeon and the Commissions have put forward provides a <br />good starting point, and as they put it forward they will get pictures drawn for them by architects. <br />He thinks they can use those pictures to say what they like and do not like, and it gives them an <br />opportunity to have others think outside the box, and not lose the opportunity for uniqueness. <br /> <br />Commissioner Jeffrey agreed. He stated they have a vision of the Town Center, and have zoning <br />districts, and now have guidelines. He thinks they can let the architects bring those options. <br /> <br />Wayne Johnson indicated he lives in Lavonia Township, but is interested in the Town Center <br />because he is in the commercial real estate business, so when new development is being <br />formulated he tries to find out about it. He stated he does mostly retail development, and has <br />done some shopping centers and single tenant retail, so he wanted to look to see what <br />opportunities might be available. He indicated he is a small developer, but has watched with <br />interest as Ramsey Town Center unfolded. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Johnson noted they were happy to have Mr. Johnson interested in this project. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon asked if Mr. Johnson did Ramsey Town <br />Square. <br /> <br />Mr. Johnson stated he did. He noted he will contact Staff for more information. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon indicated Staff would like to have the <br />City Council look at the guidelines, and if the Planning Commission is not ready to give final <br />sign-off Staff will bring it back with more illustrations. He reiterated his concern is if more <br />development comes through they want to be able to use these guidelines. <br /> <br />Commissioner Watson commented it sounds like it will be a changing document. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon indicated it is supposed to be a flexible <br />document that would not require a lot of readings and public hearings to make changes. <br /> <br />OTHER COMMISSION BUSINESS <br /> <br />There was none. <br /> <br />ADJOURNMENT <br /> <br />Motion by Commissioner Van Scoy, seconded by Commissioner Watson, to adjourn the meeting. <br /> <br />Motion carried. Voting Yes: Vice Chairperson Johnson, Commissioners Van Scoy, Watson, <br />Brauer, Jeffrey, and Shepherd. Voting No: None. Absent: Chairperson Nixt. <br /> <br />Planning Commission/June 16, 2004 <br /> Page 14 of 15 <br /> <br /> <br />