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okay. He indicated he is just saying if there is something they can look at to see what works and <br />what does not along railroad tracks it may be worthwhile to check out. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon indicated they have had some discussion <br />on this. He stated there was the possibility of senior housing going closer to the tracks, which <br />could be problematic. He stated there will not be a lot of things facing the tracks; many of the <br />buildings will back up to the tracks. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Johnson indicated it is not necessarily bad. He stated he lives a small distance from <br />tracks and he does not think housing is that bad once you move a short distance away, but as you <br />get real close it could be an issue. <br /> <br />Commissioner Shepherd asked if they have any guidelines or standards for vibration and noise. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon indicated he is not aware of any particular <br />standards, but they may need to have some things in place for that. <br /> <br />Commissioner Watson asked what Staff's feeling is on using words like 'encourage and <br />discourage'. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon stated it is an attempt to be flexible. He <br />indicated they could use 'not allowed' or 'must be', but if they do that they may want to put the <br />requirement in the zoning code instead. <br /> <br />Commissioner Brauer indicated he had the same comment when they were discussing 'should' or <br />'will'. <br /> <br />Dave Elvig, 17201 Tungsten Street NW indicated he is also a City Council member. He stated <br />he was watching on TV, and wanted to comment on the rail commission and what is going on. <br />He indicated he wants to make sure it is clear Ramsey is not in competition with Anoka. He <br />stated a feasibility study was done for Ramsey and it came back very favorable, but there has <br />never been a conversation we would win a rail site and Anoka would lose a rail site. <br /> <br />Mr. Elvig indicated he is sure the rail commission will say some cities are ready and some are <br />not, so what they in Ramsey in trying to say is that Ramsey is ready, and he feels they have a <br />good stance to do that. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Johnson stated he is very comfortable with developing it as a Park and Ride, which is <br />very consistent with a station coming in, but offers an alternative. <br /> <br />Mr. Elvig agreed, stating it is very important in their planning to look at options. He indicated <br />they wanted a way to get in and out quickly whether it is a Park and Ride or whatever it is. He <br />stated he just wants to be careful politically that they do not give the impression they are in <br />competition with Anoka or anyone else. <br /> <br />Planning Commission/June 16, 2004 <br /> Page 13 of 15 <br /> <br /> <br />