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Commissioner Shepherd indicated she knows photos are easier and cheaper to use, but a <br />conceptual drawing may be better because the pictures offer too much detail. <br /> <br />Commissioner Brauer agreed, saying he sees the pictures in here being just fluff, and asked if <br />maybe the committee could look at it. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon stated his only concern is if they gear up <br />for development and do not have the guidelines in place. He indicated if it is the understanding <br />of the Planning Commission that Staff will use these draft guidelines while they refine the <br />images, he would be okay with that. <br /> <br />Commissioner Brauer stated he would not want to hold up the guidelines for this reason, but <br />maybe they could be refined after the fact. <br /> <br />Commissioner Shepherd agreed, and noted rather than a series of drawings, maybe for TC-1 <br />there could be one drawing with different sections labeled to give them a bigger picture. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon indicated that back to the guidelines, the <br />Sub-Districts talk about public spaces, relationship to streets and architectural features and <br />minimum feature requirements, such as building height. He stated they use a lot of words such <br />as 'encourage' and 'emphasize', which he thinks is how they have to proceed so they do not get <br />cookie cutter buildings. He indicated the idea is ifa developer is not meeting the guidelines there <br />are things Staff will call out, and the developer will have to explain why they cannot meet the <br />requirements. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Johnson asked for an explanation again of the thoughts concerning the railroad. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon stated there will be a road parallel to the <br />railroad. He indicated the railroad will not have particular screening or berming at all. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Johnson stated he is constantly amazed when he sees development built as if next to a <br />park and it is next to a freeway. He indicated as he looks at the development here it strikes him <br />that unless people like to look at a railroad, if you are going to have a coffee shop with outdoor <br />seating, it does not make sense here. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon stated he does not know if he has a good <br />explanation. He indicated Shingobee Builder's is planning a patio by the pond that looks out at <br />the railroad, and they think it will be a successful location. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Johnson stated maybe there are other development that have done it successfully. He <br />indicated when he was on the Anoka Planning Commission there was an apartment building that <br />was going to be built next to railroad tracks, and the builder built it recognizing the impacts of <br />the tracks. He stated they paid a lot of attention to the tracks during planning, and it worked out <br /> <br />Planning Commission/June 16, 2004 <br /> Page 12 of 15 <br /> <br /> <br />