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Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon indicated there are varying levels of <br />control, with the strictest being in the zoning code. He stated these are meant to be guidelines to <br />provide something to strive for, but on the other hand if they put all of these guidelines in the <br />zoning code there would be a myriad of variance requests. He indicated there may be some <br />pieces that should move to the zoning code, but he would prefer not to move all the guidelines <br />there. <br /> <br />Commissioner Van Scoy asked when there is a discussion to change something in the guidelines, <br />who would make that decision. He used the door of the previous case as an example. He stated <br />the location of the door goes against the guidelines, and while he liked the building, he did not <br />like the door where it was located. He indicated he wonders how they go from it not being <br />acceptable to now being acceptable. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon stated it would involve a discussion with <br />the developer and Staff to work out the best possible solution. He indicated the Planning <br />Commission and the City Council will have the final say. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Johnson asked if the advisory committee looked at the last case. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon indicated they looked at it a month ago, <br />but not particularly at the door location. <br /> <br />Commissioner Van Scoy clarified that these are strong guidelines and Staff will try to bring <br />developers back to them as much as possible. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon indicated that was correct. He stated if <br />something comes in that does not meet the guidelines the developer will be told they will not <br />have Staff's recommendation, so the hope is when it gets to the Planning Commission it will all <br />be worked out. <br /> <br />Commissioner Jeffrey asked when the advisory committee reviews plan, how their comments <br />would get fed to the Planning Commission. He indicated it would be helpful if they could see <br />what the committee looked at and what affected their decision. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon stated that was a good point, and it would <br />be helpful for them to document and provide the minutes for the Planning Commission to see. <br /> <br />Commissioner Brauer commented that they have a lot of verbiage, with pictures scattered <br />throughout the document. He stated he thinks if there were actual examples it would help. Then <br />when plans came in the could see if it was what they expected rather than just refer to the <br />verbiage. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon noted that is what the pictures are trying <br />to do. He stated it is hard to cover all aspects. <br /> <br />Planning Commission/June 16, 2004 <br /> Page 11 of 15 <br /> <br /> <br />