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Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon indicated that the original study was on <br />the current population, and obviously there is no residential property in the area presently. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Johnson indicated that conceming the guidelines, when they looked at the last <br />building and the colors and architectural design, he wondered what they would be looking at <br />matching. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon indicated they want to stay away from a <br />sea of matching buildings. He stated the Planning Commission will see a lot of earthtones and <br />block and brick, etc. He advised they are looking for architectural details as being different. He <br />acknowledged that these first few buildings get a free pass because there is nothing they need to <br />match or be different from as there will be going forward. He indicated there may be some issue <br />with the grocery store area because it is the same developer and while they may want a cohesive <br />look, the City will want some differences. He stated he realizes there are some economics <br />involved but they want developers to know they expect something higher. <br /> <br />Commissioner Brauer indicated from a marketing point of view people will look at the first <br />buildings and say this is what the Town Center will look like, so it is his feeling the first <br />buildings should be the best. He does not know how they can require that, but he wonders if the <br />City could have some kind of incentive for the developers to make sure it happens. He stated it <br />would be great if one of the buildings could win an architectural award and bring the city some <br />publicity. He suggested maybe they could tell developers if they win an award the City will kick <br />in some money or some other incentive. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon indicated it is a good suggestion, <br />although he is not sure where the money would come from. He thinks they could write <br />something into the guidelines that if a developer does something great the City will try to help <br />out financially. <br /> <br />Commissioner Brauer indicated he would like to see something like that happen, as he is a firm <br />believer in incentives. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Johnson asked what Staff needed from them tonight. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon indicated they were looking for feedback. <br />He stated they would like to move this along to the City Council, but if the Planning Commission <br />is uncomfortable wrapping it up they could bring it back on July 1st. <br /> <br />Commissioner Van Scoy indicated he does not have a concern with what is written, and realizes <br />they are guidelines, but they seem to be fairly subjective. He stated that just today they had <br />another situation where the guidelines were compromised, even though it was also called out in <br />the Staff Review Letter. He indicated it seems after discussions with the developer the <br />guidelines are overlooked, and he does not want to completely compromise the guidelines they <br />have set. <br /> <br />Planning Commission/June 16, 2004 <br /> Page 10 of 15 <br /> <br /> <br />