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Associate Planner Wald indicated the City Council decided on TAC, which is an established <br />board that has reviewed some plans, including Shingobee Builders. She stated it consists of Staff <br />and consultants, but she is not sure who else is on the board. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Wald advised that under Transit they discuss providing opportunities for buses <br />and the North Star station. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Johnson commented that Anoka will be having the station. He asked if they are still <br />thinking they will get one. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Wald stated she believes they are hoping by providing this development it will <br />be a logical location for an additional station. She indicated it is her understanding that Staff and <br />the City Council are continuing to work with the Northstar Board so they can be considered as an <br />initial station. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Johnson advised they need to talk to the Northstar board. He stated he spoke with <br />Commissioner Earhart and it did not sound this way at all. He indicated Anoka is developing <br />plans around a station and building up development around the hospital as a Transit Village. He <br />stated if Ramsey is going to make a play for a Ramsey Station they should do it soon. He <br />indicated procedurally they need to look at where the decision process is in the Northstar <br />Authority and position themselves strategically, and not assume the Board will see the sense of it. <br />He commented Anoka will be saying they planned on this also. He stated he wants to make sure <br />Staff is looking at other options. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon indicated it is correct that Ramsey was <br />planned as a secondary station, however the City feels they could be a first station. He stated <br />they have had discussion with the Board and Commissioner Earhart as well as the NCDA <br />consultant on what to do to score their project higher. He indicated at the end of the day it may <br />be a decision decided by elected officials. On the other hand, the City has never said the Ramsey <br />Town Center depended on the North Star station being here. He indicated this location could <br />also be a Park and Ride and a stop for the North Star Commuter Coach. He stated the only thing <br />the City can do is get it set up and hope the Northstar Board sees the logic. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Johnson stated he thinks if they are setting it up as a Park and Ride and North Star <br />Coach they have a good argument and a good back-up plan. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon indicated that concerning the TAC, it <br />consists of several Staff members, a couple of consultants, and a representative from Ramsey <br />Town Center, LLC who is an architect. He stated they are meant to be a Technical Advisory <br />Committee. <br /> <br />Commissioner Shepherd asked if the train station has been based on the current population as it <br />stands today, or the expected population with the additional residential that is planned for Town <br />Center. <br /> <br />Planning Commission/June 16, 2004 <br /> Page 9 of 15 <br /> <br /> <br />