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Commissioner Van Scoy expressed concern about going against the guidelines. He indicated this <br />is a public street, and the overhead door will be visible from that street and from the park. He <br />does not think the door needs to be there, and he does not like it. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharp advised the door is more to get the dumpster out without having to go through the <br />parking lot. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Johnson stated to the degree they can dress the doors up it would be a better option. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Wald stated the overhead door is not designed to operate like a loading berth, <br />it is low intense With just refuse pick up and an occasional UPS delivery. 145th Avenue was <br />designed to handle commercial truck traffic. <br /> <br />Commissioner Van Scoy asked if the doors would be painted to match the building. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharp indicated they would. <br /> <br />Motion carried. Voting Yes: Vice Chairperson Johnson, Commissioners Watson, Brauer, <br />Jeffrey, Shepherd, and Van Scoy. Voting No: None. Absent: Chairperson Nixt. <br /> <br />Case #4 <br /> <br />Review of Town Center Development Guidelines <br /> <br />Presentation <br /> <br />Associate Planner Wald advised these are general types of guidelines that Staff would like to see <br />in plans that come in. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Wald briefly reviewed the guidelines, indicated they talk about the blue <br />system, which is water features such as ponding and monumental structures. They have the <br />green structure, which includes trails and parks. She stated it talks about land uses, and how they <br />want to make sure there is a good mix of uses that complement each other. She indicated there is <br />reference to architectural features, such as building variations, awnings, projections, windows <br />and window treatments, etc. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Wald stated under Streets and Blocks it talks about easy access and good <br />design. She indicated when they start to look at individual projects these are the type of things <br />they want to meet. She advised for parking, they do not want to see a sea of asphalt. She <br />indicated when there is opportunity for shared parking or a parking structure it should be used. <br /> <br />Commission Input <br /> <br />Commissioner Watson asked where they were at with putting together a review board as they had <br />discussed. <br /> <br />Planning Commission/June 16, 2004 <br /> Page 8 of 15 <br /> <br /> <br />