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Associate Planner Wald indicated the Staff also desired an awning or decorative accent along the <br />ground level windows. She stated the developer will be providing lentils, which will protrude <br />two inches beyond the windows for a decorative affect. She indicated Staff is pleased with these <br />changes and recommends approval. <br /> <br />Commission Input <br /> <br />Commissioner Shepherd asked if there was any idea when the second building will be built. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Wald indicated this applicant will maintain ownership of that lot and should <br />construct within a year or two. <br /> <br />Dennis Sharp, Sharp and Associates, Osseo, stated they have addressed most of Staff's concerns. <br />He indicated the buildings will be earthtones in dark browns, lighter between the windows and <br />with dark brown brick. He advised all of the metal flashing will be bronze. He commented the <br />only item they are still working on from the Staff Review letter is storm water management. He <br />explained besides what Ramsey Town Center has supplied Staff is looking for more, and they are <br />trying to decide how to do that. He indicated this is a "downtown" look with a lot of concrete <br />and asphalt so there is not a lot of green space to utilize for drainage. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Johnson asked if he was comfortable with the Staff Review Letter. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharp indicated he is comfortable with it. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Johnson asked if there were any particular tenants in mind. <br /> <br />Mr. Deal responded NAU insurance is currently located off of Highway 10 and they have <br />outreached their capacity, which is why they need more space. <br /> <br />Commissioner Van Scoy expressed concern that in the guidelines there are a number of <br />statements concerning entrances and doors and what should be facing public streets. He stated <br />the guidelines advise that utility and access doors should be concealed. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Wald advised that 145th Avenue is an accessory street adjoining the park, and <br />Staff feels that is the best location for the overhead door. She indicated they do not want it off <br />Peridot or Sunwood Drive. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Johnson asked why they have 36 feet of pavement on what is essentially an alley. <br /> <br />Motion by Vice Chair Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Watson to recommend to the City <br />Council approval of the proposed site plan for NAU Holdings LLC, subject to conditions in the <br />City Staff Review Letter dated June 11, 2004. <br /> <br />Planning Commission/June 16, 2004 <br /> Page 7 of 15 <br /> <br /> <br />