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North Sod Farm FA-1 Latimer County <br />South Agriculture LMN (Gittespie PUO) <br />East Sad FarmFA-~ Latimer County <br />West Undevmoped (Richards Lake LMN (Richards Lake PI JO} <br /> PUO) and Ranche~tes and FA-! Larimer Count/ <br /> <br />The property ,,vas annexed into the city in t984. At the time of <br />annexation the property 'NaS zoned T (Transition). In t994, the <br />in§ was chart§ed to RLP [Rurai Land 2!an] with a RUD IP!anned Unit <br />Oeve!opmentj designationl When The City was.comprehensive{y <br />rezoned in 1997, the designation ,Nas chon§ed to LMN (Low Oensity <br />Mixed Use Nei§nbornood). No other appiications or development <br />pmns have been approved for this site. <br /> <br />Minimum Lot Size 8.if(i) 30,000 sq.k. i7, ooa ~f <br />Minimum Lot Width 8.3F(2) mo' 85' <br /> <br />Minimum Front Building Setback <br />(from Lake Streeg 8.3Gl1) 75' ~5' <br /> <br />Minimum Farrier S;de Building <br /> 8.3G(2) 40' 8' <br />Setback <br /> <br />Minimum Side 8udding' Setback 8,3G(3) ~2' <br />Minimum Rear Building Setback 8.3G(4) 3o' ~o5' (approx.) <br />Maximum Hei§ht 8.3H ti) <br />Maximum FAR 8.3H(2J 0.60 o,25 <br /> <br /> Figure 3 is an example from a Fort <br />Collins, Colorado, staff report prepared in ]uly <br />zoal, on a request for approval of a 173-acre <br />overall development ptan for a mixed-use resi- <br />dential development. Here ~he staff report <br />quickly digests surrounding zoning and land <br />uses in a table, Followed by a narrative <br />L~ives ~he his[on/of the property. <br /> <br /> Another example fs r_he excerpt in <br />Figure ~t from a report prepared ay Teska <br />Asaocia[es, a planning consulting firm <br />Evanston, iWnois, for a combination of <br />rezaning, preliminary site 9ian review, and <br />/arious zoning excep[ions, [o :~tiow ,'.he con- <br />struction of a ~,25o-square-¢oo[ ,:ommerciai <br />building ;o be )ccupma by Siarouc'xs 'Coffee <br />with oufdoor -~eatmg 3ild )[l~er ;e,.aJl ~en- <br />,~nts ~nknown ~t the nme n[ ~ooiicanOnh <br />-he ;oration l'.:- n the iilage )r <br /> <br />in the special Old Town District. The matrix <br />analysis demonstrates how the proposal <br />departs from the requirements of th'e special <br />;odin§ of the Old Town district. <br /> The aiterna[ive to a ma[rix is to prosed[ <br />these types of criteria, or simply the primary <br />issues under consideration, in a quos[ran-and- <br />answer format, where the questions are pre- <br />sented in italics with ~.he answers in regular <br />type. The following excerpt from 3n appiication <br />for a rezoning from an R-t Iow-density residen- <br />[iai use ~o a [Ct-unit planned unit develop- <br />ment on 7.25 acres in Minnetonka, Minnesota, <br />allows how staff assessmen[ of each ,:dterion <br />can be presented in the staff report. <br /> <br /> Primary Issues <br /> goes ~he oeveioomen( /notre provisions <br /> ,ntreclse the CI'tV'~ grot/< or',lr[ordaole .;7ousing? <br /> /es. -he .¢plicaat 3as ]§reed rD ,:5nlrlbute <br /> ~oo.£,oo :o (he ;[n/ for 3£fordabie <br /> <br />agencyJ would ~he money is <br />used .... The applicant chose to make a <br />monetary contribution rather than include <br />affordable rental units in the proj,ect. Staff <br />finds the $4od,ooo cdntributian acceptable. <br /> <br />Does the project improve tra[~c safe~/ along <br />Minnetot~ka Boulevard? <br />Yes. The project would improve :he Gizmo <br />Lane/Minnetonka Boulevard intersection by <br />shifting the intersection abou[ 75 feel to the <br />wes[. ~[s shift increases ifs spacinff from the <br />Highway t69 off-ramp and improves its si§h[ <br />lines, as Jf is at the crest of the hill aion~ <br />Minnetonka Bauievard. <br /> <br />Would the Minnehaho Creek floodplain and <br />wetland area be protected? <br />'."es. Significant consol, arian development <br />techniques have been incorporated into the <br />proiec~. They include a minimum 5a-foot.wide <br />wetland buffer and cdnserva[ion easement, <br />stormwater infiltration basins, use of native <br />landscape .... the establishment of a conser- <br />vation mana§ement plan, and construct[od of- <br />a public trail, with overlooks. These are all <br />men~s that go beyond the basic requirements <br />df the zoning code. <br /> <br />Would ~he project hove ~n adverse impact on <br />the exisdng neiqhborhood? <br />No. The project is not expected to have an <br />adverse impact on [he existing neighborhood. <br />·.. Neighborhood impacts are avoided by ori- <br />enting the buildings [award Highway t69, <br />desi§nin§ an apartment entrance off Gizmo <br />Lane .... and by implementing an intensive <br />tandsc.ape plan .... The aforementioned proi- <br />ecl would allow the neighborhood to remain in <br />its present state. <br /> <br /> Here is an example of an analysis ora <br />conditional use permit for a church expansion: <br /> <br /> ~, Is the use required by the public need? <br /> Yes. Churches and the related use are <br /> required to serve a growing population and <br /> [he community. <br /> <br /> 2. Will the use be properly reid[ed to other land <br /> uses and transportation and service facilities in <br /> the vidnl~/? <br /> Yes. The site is served by al[ required faciJi. <br /> ties and infras[ruc[ure. The silo has accom- <br /> modated the institutional church use for <br /> many ,/ears. <br /> <br /> $. Will the use materially or adversely affect the <br /> health or sofe~, of persons residing dr working <br /> in the vicini~4 or be detrimental to the public <br /> welfare or to properQ/ or imoravemen[s in the <br /> neighborhood? <br /> No. If recommended performance standards <br /> and conditions are implemented as condi- <br /> tioned herein, the use would nat adversely <br /> affect adjacent draper[ids. <br /> <br /> ~. /Viii the asa be contrary to the specific intent <br /> c/Fuses Jr performance s[andQras astabiisnea <br /> 'bt ~he Dis[r/cf n wnicn /t ~s ~o be ,:onsiciere~? <br /> No. guoiect ohurch uses are Conditionally <br /> Permitted uses in ~he Ois[rict. Conditions 4f <br /> ~i)o[aval must ,assure (ompaqbiJitv wl[h ':LIP <br /> <br />20NINGPRACTIC[ <br /> <br /> <br />