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]. Please provide a notice fram [Yahoo Counwj <br /> ~or an,,, potential ROW that may be heaped <br /> aion§ (Wilbur Road]. <br /> <br />4. A 5 ft. wide sidewaikwiil be required aion§ <br /> one side of the interior street. <br /> <br />5. Proiect de,/e(oper needs (o 5~ow (hat the <br /> pmperw ~emed access ~o ~he interior <br /> street has access to [Lovely Lakes Roadl <br /> sufficient for the CA zoning on ~he <br /> property. <br /> <br />6. ~e ofopqsed street aee~s a name. <br /> <br />7- The ex[odor boun~a~ tine or,his p~at ts <br /> incorrect since it ap0ears [o Mciude the <br /> "no( a pa~" properW. <br /> <br />8. Finaflc~ai assurances wd[ de required for <br /> pubiic improvements. <br /> <br /> Sometimes staff reports recommend (he <br />conditioning of apo[ova( based on a subse- <br />quent or forthcomingr approval of another <br />local government agency. The staff repor~ <br />should state a reasonable time limit in which <br />the agenc'/Ce.§., the focal pubiic works <br />department) must act on additional in~-orma- <br />lion after it has been provided by the devel- <br />oper. ,'~n example would be additional techni- <br />ca~ engineering or sun/ay information (o be <br />provided on a finai plat before [( is recorded, <br />Alternadveiy, the duration of this period could <br />be incorporated into the zoning' or subdivision <br />re§uiations. <br /> <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION5 <br />The staff report should analyze ail of the infor- <br />mation contained in it and make a recommen- <br />dation to the appropriate public body against <br />the backdrop of policies in the comprehensive <br />plan and the decision-~ak!n§ criterfa or stan- <br />dards in the development cope. The recom- <br />mendation is a concise statement of whether <br />of not the decision-making body should <br />approve, or recommend approvai of, the appli- <br />cation. Sometimes the recommendation will <br />include conditions, where the zoning, orqi- <br />nonce or subdivision reguiatfons permit this. <br />At other times, [he recommendation may state <br />one or save[at alternatives. For example, in a <br />rezoning, the requested-use district or config- <br />urauon of district boundaries may be inappro- <br />priate ['or the area or may conflict with the <br />comprehensive plan. in such a case, an at[er- <br />native (hat woutd be appropriate or no[ [n <br />conflict should be recommended. <br /> Here is an excerpt from 3 City of Newark, <br />Oetawarel staff analysis. The case ,.nvoives <br />approval of ~, proposed annexation. ~staoiisn- <br />men[ .)t munlc[pai :on[n§, ~llO approval of ¢ <br />:uooivision uld Ji[e oran. <br /> <br /> ,~ne Plannin~ Oepartmen( bet[eves the pro- <br /> posed 8riarcreek annexation, with the adioin. <br /> in§ parcels in Christine Manor, with RH and <br /> RS zoo[n§ does no( confliot with ~he purposes <br /> or ~oais of Newark's comprehen'sive plannin~ <br /> for .'.he area. Althougn our oomprehensive <br /> §uideiines refer to detached and semi- <br /> de(ached uses at this Valley Road site and <br /> (he plan includes townhomes, the overall site <br /> density is weft within the range e/picai rot sin- <br /> ~le-family and,ached developments <br /> in the Newark area. ',n addition, (he develoP- <br /> ment plan ~or the site appears to meet the <br /> purposes of the City's site plan approvai <br /> process ~o foster distinctiveness and excel- <br /> lance of site arrangement and des/§n .... <br /> inciudin~ architectural design [andl associ- <br /> ated with the natural environment includin~ <br /> landscaping." The Oeparrment a(so notes ~hat <br /> the proposed RH aed RS zoning is compatibie <br /> with the zoning of adiacent and nearby ciq/ <br /> communities as welt as ~he zoning of <br /> Christine Manor [located in the unincorpo- <br /> rated portion of New Castle Countyj. <br /> <br /> NoUn§ the open space shown on the <br />plan to be dedicated to the rib/of Newark <br />"will contribute significantly to [he City's park- <br />[and holdings," the staff report goes on to <br />ommend to the municipal planning commis- <br />sion chat it advise the city council to approve <br />the annexation and the development. <br /> An Ames, Iowa, pianning staff report to <br />its zoning' board of adjustment offers a good <br />example of how to incorporate-conditions <br />a staff report. Here the request is for a condi- <br />tional use permit to allow a stage, a 4p-foot by <br />7o~foo( tent, and other equipment for a <br />Baptist tent revival on agricultural land with a <br />floodway overlay. The conditional use permit <br />would be valid for eight days. The carefully <br />written report presents a series of alternatives <br />as follows, <br /> <br /> Alternatives; <br /> ~. The Zoning Soard of Adjustment may <br /> approve ,.'he Conditionai Use Permit with ,.'he <br /> follow[n§ stipulaIions: <br /> A. That the approval of the tent rewvai in <br /> the floodway is conditioned upon ,'.he <br /> approval of ~he (StaIel Department of <br /> Natural Resources; <br /> <br /> $, Thai (he portabie toilets snail be <br /> anchored to prevent them ,~rom being <br /> ~(nocked over. <br /> <br /> _. That [t~e Eons[ruction shall no[ ;om- <br /> nonce per'ore Au§ust 2.4, -'oo~, :]nd <br /> 3ti structures and ma[eriais shad be <br /> removed ay AUgUS( 3~. 2OOl. <br /> <br /> :. Tl~e _~OUlri~, 3pard ~: AdiusImen[ may ,aenv <br /> :nit; ;eque. s~ 'ur .~ ._'ondi[[onai Use Permit, <br /> <br />3. The Zonin§ 8pard of Adjustment may mod- <br /> i~ this reques~/or a Conditional Use Permit <br /> and approve it with modified stipulations. <br /> <br />4. The Zonin§ 8pard of Adiustment may table <br /> this request for a Conditional Use ~ermit for <br /> additional information from the developer, <br /> City staff, or Iowa Oepartment of Natural <br /> Resources. <br /> <br /> The s~aff report ultimately recommended <br />Alternative.t. <br /> <br />STAFF REPORTS ON THE WEB$1TE <br />Local government websites have expanded <br />quiddy in the last five ,/ears to post general <br />information, ordinances, downtoadabie forms <br />and appiications, fee-paying' systems, and other <br />items needed by the puotic, The costs of devet- <br />opin§ and operating local government wet'sites <br />have grown, but the public has come to expect <br />them. Planners expect they will be more cost- <br />effective to taxpayers in the tong, run because of <br />reduced labor and printing, costs, <br /> Planning' departments now routinely post <br />a planning commission meeting calendar, <br />agendas, and minutes, as well as drab: and <br />adopted ordinances and resolutions, press <br />releases, monthly reports of development <br />activity, public notices, draft and final plans, <br />and annual reports. <br /> <br /> Using the web to post staff reports for <br />planning commissioners has allowed many <br />planning departments to eliminate the costly <br />and time-consuming step of photocopying' <br />and delivering hard copies of all staff: reports <br />to commission members in ~he days or weeks <br />before a meeting. Commission members can <br />be notified via e-mail when the documents are <br />available and can download any of the mate- <br />rial ior reference at the meeting. Hard copies <br />of the full report can still be provided to any <br />member who prefers that. <br /> Perhaps the greatest benefit of putting. <br />staff reports online is (hat they can be linked - <br />to other data sources, including, digital pho- <br />tos, Gig maps, land-use maps, aeriai maps <br />with the subject site outlined on it, applicable <br />zoning designations, and relevant plans to aid <br />in ~he commissioners' decision making, The <br />high volume of cases in many jurisdictions <br />often makes site visits by ali commissioners <br />impracdcai, tn iieu of a visit, muitipie digital <br />photos or short videos of the subject site can <br />be iinked .,to the poi[ne stat[ report. Yhe pic- <br />tures and video can illustrate :.he s[te"s'exist- <br />n~: .:onditions and immediate vicinity and <br />~e!o ,:ommissioners envision ,vha[ [s pro- <br /> <br />106 ZONING PRACTICE <br /> ~M[RICAN PLANNING ASSOCIARON i pdge <br /> <br /> <br />