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the City Council directed Staff to bring forward the preliminary site plan for the new Municipal <br />Center to the Planning Commission for review. He added that prior to making a final decision on <br />whether or not to build a new Municipal Center, the City Council wanted the site plan to go <br />through the approval process both to make sure the new facility will meet the standards of the <br />Ramsey Town Center, but also to identify any changes, needed in the plan so as to better get an <br />understanding of costs of the project. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon explained the Ramsey Municipal Center <br />and City parking ramp will be located on 4.4 acres. The TC-1 Town Center requires a Floor <br />Area Ratio of li0. He indicated for this site, a F.A.R. requires 191,664 square feet of building. <br />He stated that absent the City parking ramp the lot coverage of just the Ramsey Municipal Center <br />area is 0.36 F.A.R. However, when factoring in the City parking ramp the F.A.R. will be 1.7. <br />He noted the parking ramp is proposed tO begin construction in the Spring of 2005. He stated the <br />proposed Ramsey Municipal Center in conjunction with the City parking ramp will exceed the <br />required F.A.R. of 1.0. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon further explained that the proposed Town <br />Center Zoning District has setback standards based on the principle to have them serve more as <br />'build to' lines rather than traditional setbacks. He stated for the TC-1 District, the minimum <br />setback is zero and the maximum is 5 feet with at least 60% of the front facade within the <br />maximum setback area. He indicated from review of the plan, it appears that only 33% of the <br />front faCade is within 5 feet of the property line. He commented that under the Town Center <br />regulations, a variance will be required to allow for the current configuration. He added that 60% <br />of the front fa(;ade is located within 18 feet of the property line. He stated there are several <br />factors that may mitigate the effect of the larger setback that should be considered during the <br />variance discussion. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon stated that the Town Center Technical <br />Advisory Committee has reviewed the layout of the building and is supportive of a variance to <br />allow for the building to be pulled back as shown. He indicated the group believes that puli-back <br />of the building provides for some visual relief while still engaging the pedestrian and the design <br />works well for the use of the building. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon advised that the preliminary site plan <br />shows 42 public parking stalls and 28 stalls for the Police Department and City vehicles. He <br />indicated under the Town Center Zoning District regulations, a maximum total of 187 stalls <br />parking spaces are required. He stated the Town Center Zoning District and the Town Center <br />Development Guidelines strongly encourage shared parking scenarios and the utilization of <br />parking ramps where possible. He indicated that fortunately, the City parking ramp will be <br />adjacent to the Ramsey Municipal Center. He reviewed that the parking ramp will accommodate <br />parking space for approximately 800 vehicles. He noted that most City employees will utilize the <br />parking ramp for daily parking. <br /> <br />Assistant Community Development Director Trudgeon explained that TCTAC and Staff <br />recommend that the following items be addressed: <br /> <br />P14 <br /> <br />Planning Commission/December 2, 2004 <br /> Page 14 of 19 <br /> <br /> <br />