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DEFINITIONS RELATING TO PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION <br />Top of subgrade: Grade which contacts the bottom of the aggregate base layer. <br />Sand subbase: Uniform thickness sand layer placed as the top of subgrade which is intended to improve <br />the frost and drainage characteristics of the pavement system by increasing drainage of excess water in <br />the aggregate base and subbase, by reducing and "bridging" frost heaving, and by reducing spring thaw <br />weakening effects. <br />Critical subgrade zone: The subgrade portion beneath and within three vertical feet of the top of <br />subgrade. A sand subbase, if placed, would be considered the upper portion of the critical subgrade zone. <br />Suitable Grading Material: Mineral soil materials, typically from the project site, excluding the <br />following: 1) soils which have an organic content exceeding 3%, 2) cohesive soils having a Liquid Limit <br />exceeding 50%, 3) soils which include debris, cobbles, and/or boulders, and 4) soils which are considered <br />acceptable from an environmental standpoint. The soil must also be capable of attaining the specified <br />compaction level at its current water content or at a water content that can be reasonably scarified, <br />blended, and moisture conditioned to a uniform water content in order to uniformly meet compaction <br />requirements. <br />Granular Material: Soils meeting MnDOT Specification 3149.2B.1. This refers to granular soils which, <br />of the portion passing the 1" sieve, contain less than 20% by weight passing the #200 sieve. <br />Select Granular Material: Soils meeting MnDOT Specification 3149.2B.2. This refers to granular soils <br />which, of the portion passing the 1" sieve, contain less than 12% by weight passing the #200 sieve. <br />Select Granular Material (Super Sand): Soils meeting MnDOT Specification 3149.2B.3. This material <br />is cleaner and coarser than Select Granular Material (see specification for specific requirements). <br />Compaction Subcut: Construction of a uniform thickness subcut below a designated grade to provide <br />uniformity and compaction within the subcut zone. Replacement fill can be the materials subcut, although <br />the reused soils should be blended to a uniform soil condition, moisture conditioned as needed to meet <br />MnDOT Specification 2105.F; and re -compacted per the Specified Density Method defined in MnDOT <br />Specification 2105.3F.1. <br />Test Roll: A means of evaluating the near -surface stability of subgrade soils (usually non -granular). <br />Suitability is determined by the depth of rutting or deflection caused by passage of heavy rubber -tired <br />construction equipment, such as a loaded dump truck, over the test area. Yielding of less than 1" is <br />normally considered acceptable, although engineering judgment may be applied depending on the <br />equipment used, soil conditions present, and/or depth below final grade. <br />Unstable Soils: Subgrade soils which do not pass a test roll. Unstable soils typically have water content <br />exceeding the standard optimum water content defined in ASTM:D698 (Standard Proctor test). <br />Organic Soils: Soils which have sufficient organic content such that the soils engineering properties are <br />negatively affected (typically more than 3% organic content). These soils are usually black to dark brown <br />in color. <br />01 REP019 (07/16) AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. <br />
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