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Ramsey City Charter Updated April 2023
City Charter
Ramsey City Charter Updated April 2023
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income and all proposed expenditures, including debt service and comparative figures for the current fiscal <br />year, actual and estimated, and the preceding year. In addition to showing proposed expenditures for <br />current operations, it shall show proposed capital expenditures to be made during the year and the <br />proposed method of financing each such capital expenditure. The total proposed operating budget to be <br />provided from the property tax shall not exceed the amounts authorized by state statutes and this Charter. <br />Consistent with these provisions, the budget shall contain such information and be in the form prescribed by <br />ordinance and by state statutes. The Annual Financial Statement shall be in such form as state statutes, this <br />Charter or the council may prescribe. <br />7.4.2 For each utility operated by the city, its budget shall show anticipated net surplus or deficit and the proposed <br />method of its disposition; and subsidiary budgets for each utility giving income and expenditure information <br />shall be included or attached as appendices. <br />(Ord. of 3-25-1994; Ord. of 1-24-2001) <br />Sec. 7.5. Long-term financial plan. <br />7.5.1 The city council shall have prepared a long-term financial plan of at least five years. This information shall be <br />revised and extended each year. The city council shall hold an annual public hearing on the long-term <br />financial plan and adopt it by resolution with or without amendment. The financial plan, at minimum, shall <br />consist of three elements as specified in sections 7.5.2 through 7.5.4 which follow. <br />7.5.2 The public service program. The program shall be a continuing five-year plan for all public services, <br />estimating future needs for the public health, safety and welfare of the city. It shall measure the objectives <br />and needs for each city department, the standard of services desired, and the impact of each such service on <br />the annual operating budget. <br />7.5.3 The capital improvement program. This program shall consist of projects and facilities that are or will be <br />needed by the city in carrying out the anticipated program of public services. It shall include a list of all <br />capital improvements proposed to be undertaken during the next five fiscal years, with appropriate <br />supporting information as to the necessity for such improvements; the priority of each anticipated <br />improvement; cost estimate, method of financing and recommended time schedule for each such <br />improvement; and the estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining the facilities to be constructed or <br />acquired. This information shall be revised and extended each year for capital improvements still pending or <br />in process. <br />7.5.4 Five year financial forecast. This forecast shall detail the estimated revenue and expenditures necessary to <br />carry out the public service and capital improvement programs as described in sections 7.5.2 and 7.5.3. In <br />addition, the forecast will identify financing sources and uses, cash flow projections, and financial policies <br />that impact o exercise control over revenues and expenditures. <br />7.5.5 A summary of the long-term financial plan shall be published in the city newsletter annually. <br />(Ord. of 3-25-1994) <br />Sec. 7.6. Council action on budget. <br />7.6.1 The budget public hearing dates, procedures to be followed during the hearing: and publications are <br />established by state statute. However, the actual adoption of the proposed annual budget and the municipal <br />levy shall take place at the next regularly; scheduled council meeting following the mandated public <br />hearing(s) to ensure that comments received during the public hearing(s) are given due consideration before <br />the final budget and municipal tax levy are adopted. The council may revise the propose budget but no <br />amendment to the budget shall increase the authorized expenditures to a amount greater than the <br />(Supp. No. 12, Update 1) <br />Created: 2023-04-26 15:53:30 [EST] <br />Page 13 of 25 <br />
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