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Ramsey City Charter Updated April 2023
City Charter
Ramsey City Charter Updated April 2023
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estimated funds available. The council shall adopt the budget by a resolution that shall set forth the total for <br />each budgeted fund and each department function or program, with such segregation as to objects and <br />purpose of expenditures as the council deems necessary for purposes of budget control. The council shall <br />also adopt a resolution levying the amount of taxes provided in the budget, and the city administrator shall <br />certify the tax resolution to the county auditor in accordance with state law. Adoption of the budget <br />resolution shall constitute appropriations at the beginning of the fiscal year of the sums fixed in the <br />resolution of the several purposes named. <br />7.6.2 At least two weeks before the proposed budget is adopted, for the ensuing fiscal year, a summary of the <br />proposed budget and municipal levy increases and decreases shall be given in the city newsletter. Such <br />summary shall be set forth in language designed to be readily understood by the layperson, and shall provide <br />appropriate supporting information as to the necessity for any increases. Failure to provide the specified <br />summary will not invalidate the budget. A summary of the adopted final budget shall be printed in the city <br />newsletter as soon as is practical after the adoption. <br />(Ord. of 3-25-1994; Ord. of 1-24-2001) <br />Sec. 7.7. Enforcement of the budget. <br />7.7.1 The city council shall enforce the provisions of the budget. It shall approve and authorize payments of bills, at <br />each regularly scheduled council meeting, that have been presented for payment, supported by an itemized <br />bill, payroll time sheet, or other document approved and signed by the responsible city officer who vouches <br />for its correctness and reasonableness. Bills that are of an ongoing operating nature, have been appropriated <br />in the budget, and been approved by the responsible city officer, may be paid prior to regular council <br />meetings to avoid late penalties or to take advantage of available discounts. Other payments may occur in <br />the event it is unreasonable or untimely to obtain council approval for funding an emergency or unforeseen <br />expenditure which is necessary for the routine operation of the city as directed by council in a purchasing <br />policy which shall be adopted by ordinance. <br />7.7.2 Any obligation incurred by any person in the employ of the city for any purpose not authorized in the budget <br />resolution, or for any amount in excess of the amount authorized, shall be a personal obligation upon the <br />person incurring the obligation and such person will be subject to appropriate disciplinary or criminal action. <br />No check shall be issued or transfer made to any account other than one owned by the city until the claim to <br />which it relates has been supported by an itemized bill, payroll, time sheet or other document approved and <br />signed by the responsible city officer who vouches for its correctness and reasonableness. <br />(Ord. of 3-25-1994) <br />Sec. 7.8. Alterations to the budget. <br />After the budget resolution has been adopted, the council shall not increase the amounts fixed in the <br />resolution beyond the estimated funds available except to the extent that actual receipts exceed the estimated <br />funds available. At anytime, the council may, by resolution approved by a four -fifths vote of its members, reduce <br />the sums appropriated for any purpose by the budget resolution, or authorize the transfer of sums from <br />unencumbered balances of appropriations in the budget resolution to other purposes. <br />(Ord. of 3-25-1994) <br />(Supp. No. 12, Update 1) <br />Created: 2023-04-26 15:53:31 [EST] <br />Page 14 of 25 <br />
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