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Sec. 3.8. Procedure on resolutions. <br />Every resolution shall be presented in writing and shall be filed and preserved by the city clerk. <br />(Ord. No. 85-09, 9-28-1985; Ord. of 1-24-2001) <br />Sec. 3.9. When ordinances and resolutions passed by city council take effect. <br />Every resolution and emergency ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its adoption or at such later <br />date as it specifies. Every other ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its publication or at such later date as it <br />specifies. <br />Sec. 3.10. Amendment and repeal of ordinances and resolutions. <br />3.10.1 An ordinance or resolution which repeals all or part of a previous ordinance or resolution, respectively, <br />shall give the number, if any, in the title of the ordinance or resolution to be repealed in whole or in part. No <br />ordinance or resolution shall be amended by reference to the title alone, but an ordinance or resolution <br />which amends such ordinance or resolution, respectively, shall set forth in full each section to be amended <br />and shall indicate by appropriate type or symbols, matter to be omitted or added. Amendment or repeal of <br />an ordinance or resolution shall require a majority vote of all members of the council, unless otherwise <br />provided in this Charter or by state statutes. <br />3.10.2 Repeal of initiative ordinances. An ordinance passed under the initiative power shall not be repealed or <br />amended by the council except by submission to the voters of the question by the council at a regular <br />municipal or special election. <br />Sec. 3.11. Review and revision of ordinances and indexing of resolutions. <br />The city shall review, revise and rearrange its ordinance code and its resolution index with such additions and <br />deletions as may be deemed necessary by the council at least once every two years. The ordinance code and the <br />resolution index may be published in a book, pamphlet or loose-leaf form and copies shall be made available by <br />the council at the office of the city clerk for general distribution to the public for a reasonable charge. <br />Incorporation in such a code shall be a sufficient publication of any ordinance provision not previously published, if <br />a notice is placed in the official newspaper for at least two successive weeks that copies of the codification are <br />available at the office of the city clerk. <br />(Ord. of 1-24-2001) <br />CHAPTER 4. NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS <br />Sec. 4.1. The regular municipal election. <br />A regular municipal election shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each <br />even -numbered year, commencing in 1984, at such places as the city council shall designate. At least 15 days prior <br />notice shall be given by the city clerk by posting a notice thereof in at least one public place in each election <br />precinct, and by publishing a notice thereof at least once in the official newspaper of the city stating the time and <br />the places of holding such election and of the officers to be elected. Failure to give such notice shall not invalidate <br />such election. Elected and qualified officers provided for by this Charter shall assume the duties of office to which <br />they were elected on the first business day in January following such election. <br />(Supp. No. 12, Update 1) <br />Created: 2023-04-26 15:53:29 [EST] <br />Page 6 of 25 <br />