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Ramsey City Charter Updated April 2023
City Charter
Ramsey City Charter Updated April 2023
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4.1.1 Primary elections. Primary elections shall be held on the same date as prescribed by the Minnesota <br />Statute, which establishes the statewide primary election date. The primary election shall be for the <br />selection of two nominees for each elective office at the regular municipal election, unless two <br />nominees or fewer file for each elective office. <br />(Ord. of 1-24-2001; Ref. of 11-6-2001; Ord. No. 10-08, § 1, 5-4-2010) <br />Sec. 4.2. Filing for office. <br />All persons who shall desire to be elected to any elected office shall file an affidavit not more than ten weeks <br />nor less than eight weeks before the primary election with the city clerk, paying a filing fee to the city clerk in an <br />amount as set by ordinance. <br />The city clerk shall prepare and have printed at the expense of the city the necessary ballots or other <br />required material for such election. <br />The ballots or other material shall contain no political party designation of any candidate and the names of <br />the candidates for each office may be arranged on the ballot alphabetically according to the surname of each <br />candidate. The ballots or the results shall be counted and preserved and the city clerk shall be the final custodian <br />of such ballots or returns for the city. <br />A sample ballot or a facsimile representation of the ballot shall be posted at the place of election at least one <br />week before such election by the city clerk, whose duty it is to preserve such sample ballots. <br />4.2.1. [Repealed]. <br />(Ord. of 11-14-1994; Ref. of 1-24-2001; Ref. of 11-6-2001) <br />Sec. 4.3. Procedure at elections. <br />Consistent with the provisions of this Charter and applicable state statutes, the council may by ordinance <br />further regulate the conduct of municipal elections. Except as otherwise provided by this Charter and <br />supplementary ordinances, general state statutes on elections shall apply to municipal elections. <br />Sec. 4.4. Special and advisory elections except for elected office. <br />The council may by resolution order any special or advisory election deemed appropriate by the council, for <br />any reason, and provide all means for holding it. At least 15 days' prior notice shall be given by the city clerk by <br />posting a notice thereof in at least one public place in each election precinct, and by publishing a notice thereof at <br />least once in the official newspaper of the city stating the time and the places of holding such election. <br />(Ord. of 1-24-2001) <br />Sec. 4.5. Vacancy of municipal elected office. <br />4.5.1 When a vacancy in an elected office of the city occurs with 365 days or more remaining in the term of the <br />vacated office, there shall be a special election held within 90 days after the vacancy occurs to elect a <br />successor to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term of the office vacated. <br />4.5.2 The city clerk shall give at least 60 days published prior notice of such special election, except as set forth <br />under 4.5.5 of this section. <br />(Supp. No. 12, Update 1) <br />Created: 2023-04-26 15:53:29 [EST] <br />Page 7 of 25 <br />
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