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<br />WHAT'S HAPPENING <br />AT CITY HALL <br /> <br />City Council met on January 12 for a special <br />workshop meeting. Council appointed Sandra Ashley, <br />Finance Officer as Acting City Administrator. A motion <br />passed for Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. and City <br />staff put on hold all further workings for expansion of the <br />airport as proposed by the July, 1990 Council action, and <br />that City staff do minimal work and spend absolutely <br />minimal amounts of City funds for the progression of the <br />airport until a later date. Discussions took place <br />regarding the following issues: City of Ramsey Work <br />Rules, the Organizational Chart, Staffing Levels and <br />Vacancies, the Fire Department History and Relief <br />Association Requests for City Contribution, Legal <br />Services for 1991, Consulting Engineering Services for <br />1991, the 1991 Budget, Landfill Issues and the City-Wide <br />Recycling Program. Dr. William Rodman was appointed <br />as the City Health Officer. A policy was adopted <br />restricting the use of the City's computer network to <br />employees and City owned hardware, software, diskettes <br />and tapes to minimize viruses. <br /> <br />City Council met 'on January 22 and Dean Kapler of <br />the Ramsey Fire Department gave an update on the <br />Department. The site plan for Phase I expansion of <br />Royal Concrete Products was approved. Council <br />granted final plat approval to Northfork Links, a <br />subdivision of Northfork PUD 5th Addition. Council <br />introduced an ordinance rezoning Outlot 0, Northfork <br />from PUD to Rural Business; Case of Linda Obrycki and <br />Dennis Peck. City Council adopted a resolution <br />approving a new set of Bylaws for the Ramsey Fire <br />Fighter's Relief Association. Council passed a motion <br />stating that at this point in time, the City does not <br />consider contributions of $17,500.00 for the Fire Fighter's <br />Relief Association for the previous three years of service, <br />1988, 1989 and 1990. A motion was passed to approve, <br />in concept, contracting with the City of Anoka for animal <br />control services and also to redraft the ordinance dealing <br />with fines with regard to dogs to reflect actual cost as <br />opposed to charging such a large fee. Motion passed to <br />adopt the Minnesota State Building Code. Council <br />scheduled a public hearing for sewer and water <br />improvements for public Improvement Project #91-01 for <br />February 26, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. A resolution was <br />adopted amending the policy for surfacing of playground <br />e~uipment. Motion carried to retain Mr. William Goodrich <br />as City Attorney. <br /> <br />NEW DIRECTIONS <br /> <br />lor Farmers, Consumers & <br /> <br />the Environment <br />Join your neighbors for a day of looking at new <br />directions in growing, exploring our common interest <br />in good food, and sustaining the quality of our water <br />and soil. <br /> <br />Sponsored by: Minnesota Extension Service, <br />Anoka County and the Anoka- <br />Blaine-Coon Rapids Area League <br />of Women Voters <br /> <br />When: Saturday, March 16, 1991 <br />9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. <br /> <br />Where: <br /> <br />Bunker Hills Activities Center, <br />550 Bunker Lake Blvd., Andover, <br /> <br />MN <br /> <br />For Registration and More Information <br />Call: 755-1280. <br /> <br />FEBRUARY 1991 RECYCLING UPDATE <br /> <br />In the table below the weight of materials recycled in the curbside program for January 1991 are compared <br />to December 1990. All weights and changes are listed in pounds. <br /> <br />Material January December Change <br />Glass 17,480 8,600 +8,880 <br />Newspaper 47,980 38,220 +9,760 <br />Plastic 3,820 2,500 + 1,320 <br />Metal Cans 4,940 4,660 + 280 <br />TOTAL 74,220 53,980 +20,240 <br /> <br />As you can see, the City is increasing the amounts of materials that are being recycled. At the current rate, <br />the City will need to average 102,525 pounds for each of the remaining months of 1991 to achieve the City's <br />goal of 602 tons. <br />The City has attained 57% participation in the curbside recycling program. this is a good participation rate <br />but it means that 43% of the households are not taking advantage of the curbside service. If you are using one <br />of the drop-offs located in Ramsey, the City still can claim those materials. If you are taking your materials to <br />drop-off locations of Ramsey, please bring your receipts for the materials to City Hall so the City can record the <br />materials. <br /> <br />The recycling dates for March: <br />Western or shaded area of the City - March 4th & 18th <br />Eastern or nonshaded are of the City - March 11 th & 25th <br /> <br /> <br />Recycling pickup on the 2nd <br />& 4th Mondays of the month <br /> <br />=w:' ~ <br /> <br />ATTENTION RAMSEY RESIDENTS <br /> <br />The City of Ramsey is currently seeking candidates to fill a vacancy on its Charter Commission. The <br />function of the Commission is to continue to study the local charter and government and to propose charter <br />changes at any time. The Commission meets as necessary, at least twice per year. Ramsey residents <br />interested in serving on the Commission are requested to submit a letter of application by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, <br />March 15, 1991 to Kay McAloney, Personnel Coordinator at Ramsey Municipal Center, 15153 Nowthen Blvd. <br />N.W., Ramsey, Minnesota, 55303. Letters of application should contain the applicant's name, address, <br />telephone number, work experience, education, and any experience in municipal affairs. In addition, applicants <br />should include a statement listing their reasons for seeking appointment to the Charter Commission. <br />