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141st Avenue in the newly created Basalt Office Park 2nd Addition. She stated Basalt Properties, <br />LLP is proposing to construct a 40,650 square foot office and warehouse building on Lot 2 of <br />Basalt Office Park 2nd Addition. She indicated the site plan is meeting or exceeding the required <br />setbacks. She explained the development is on a 3.32 acre parcel, and lot coverage has been <br />calculated at 28%, which is under the 45% maximum lot coverage restriction established in City <br />Code. <br /> <br />Associate <br />indicated <br />provided, <br />providing <br /> <br />Planner Wald stated the site will derive one access point from 141st Avenue. She <br />there is a statement in the report that Staff was unsure of the parking spaces being <br />however she has had a conversation with the architect and was informed they would be <br />57 spaces, when 55 are required. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Wald advised the grading and drainage plan is generally acceptable with the <br />revisions outlined in the City Staff Review Letter. She stated Staff recommends site plan <br />approval contingent upon compliance with City Staff Review Letter dated June 11, 2004, and the <br />developer entering into a TIF agreement with the City. <br /> <br />Commission Input <br /> <br />Vice Chair Johnson noted the applicant is not here, and stated he assumes they are comfortable <br />with the Staff Review Letter. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Wald indicated she had a conversation with the developer and believes they <br />are comfortable. <br /> <br />Commissioner Van Scoy stated he is interested in access to the lot. He indicated in the Staff <br />Review Letter it stated one access point, but from the site plan he does not see one access. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Wald advised they are calling it one access; it is really just ingress/egress. She <br />showed the plan and the access layout. <br /> <br />Commissioner Van Scoy stated he assumes it will be one-way. He is concerned about traffic <br />with large trucks going in. <br /> <br />Commissioner Jeffrey agreed, indicating he can see some concern with having trucks entering <br />and exiting close to the comer. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Wald stated the engineer looked at it and did not state any concerns. She <br />indicated the site plan is somewhat deceiving because there is green space between the drive lane <br />and the curb. She stated Staff is very comfortable with the layout. <br /> <br />Commissioner Van Scoy stated he would like the engineer's to review the proposed access <br />layouts in detail prior to City Council review. He indicated if the trucks are cutting across cross- <br />traffic he has a problem with it. <br /> <br />Planning Commission/June 16, 2004 <br /> Page 2 of 15 <br /> <br /> <br />