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Town Center 3rd Addition- Site Plan/Pond Building <br />¢,,December 29, 2004 <br /> P~age 2 of 5 <br /> <br />Floor Area Ratio: Since the Pond Building is proposed to be located on Lot 1 with several <br />other structures, the floor area ratio will have to be reviewed based on the entire development <br />plan fbr Lot 1. In addition to the Pond Building, Lot t of Town Center 3rd Addition is proposed <br />to accommodate the grocery,, store, fuel pump islands, and 2 other commercial structures. The <br />area of Lot 1 is 388,677 square feet. The minimum floor area ratio is .5 or 194,338 square feet in <br />this case. At the time of final plan approval of Phase 1, the total floor area was 95,430 square <br />feet. Since that time, the proposed size of the Pond Building has increased by i,200 square feet <br />and the new total for Lot 1 will be 96,630 square feet. This calculation still fails short of the .5 <br />flo6r area to tot 'size ratio; however, a variance to the floor area ratio was granted as a part of the <br />Phase 1 review process. <br /> <br />Setbacks: The proposed Town Center Zoning District has setback standards based on the <br />principle of "build to" tines rather than traditional setbacks. This is especially important for the <br />front yard since it is typically where the building'presentation relationship is to the street. The <br />setbacks in the TC-2 District have been established as follows: Front; 0-t5 feet, Side: 10 foot <br />setback from building to building, 0 foot setback from building to property line, Rear 30 feet. <br />The Pond building meets the side, rear, and building-to-building setbacks. However, it does not <br />comply with the maximum front yard setback from Sunwood Drive. A variance to the front yard <br />setback requirement will be submitted to the Board of Adjustment on December 2, 2004. <br /> <br />Grading and Drainage Plan: The site grading and drainage were reviewed and commented on <br />as part of the Phase l approval. The area outside the multi-tenant restaurant building should be <br />shaded to indicate that it is not part of this review package. The proposed drive up access on this <br />building has been included in revised plans for Phase 1, prepared by URS and dated 12-16-04. <br /> <br />Revised plans for Phase 1 were issued November 12, 2004. The plans state that the retaining <br />walls around the pond are not designed for structural loads. The building plans for this building <br />must be coordinated with the plans ~:br Phase 1 retaining wails so that the building footings will <br />be adequately protected. <br /> <br />Landscaping: A revised landscaping plan, dated December 7, 2004, has been submitted. The <br />revised plan has addressed all of StafFs concerns. However, Staff believes it is necessary to <br />reemphasize the need for a diverse group of species to be utilized. The species palette indicates <br />that of the 344 st~rubs, 175 of them will consist of spireas. The individual species of spirea are <br />not identified' in the species palette, therefore, at least fbur (4) to five (5) different varieties must <br />be utilized. <br /> <br />All trees must be kept 15 feet from fire hydrants. <br /> <br />Waste Storage: City, Code requires that all solid waste and refuse receptacles be stored within a <br />completely screened structure or container. The submittal identifies a waste storage area on the <br />northwest side of the building that is constructed with masom-y materials. The waste storage area <br />c~mplies with Ci~ Code. <br /> <br />~0 <br /> <br /> <br />